GOG.com does dumb stunt

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Vault Fossil
I just visited http://www.gog.com/ and was surprised to read this:
Dear GOG users,

We have recently had to give serious thought to whether we could really keep GOG.com the way it is. We've debated on it for quite some time and, unfortunately, we've decided that GOG.com simply cannot remain in its current form.

We're very grateful for all support we've received from all of you in the past two years. Working on GOG.com was a great adventure for all of us and an unforgettable journey to the past, through the long and wonderful history of PC gaming.

This doesn't mean the idea behind GOG.com is gone forever. We're closing down the service and putting this era behind us as new challenges await.

On a technical note, this week we'll put in place a solution to allow everyone to re-download their games. Stay tuned to this page and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates.

All the best,
GOG.com Team

What happened? Does anyone have any info on this?
I just came here to post this, actually.

That news made me a sad, sad little boy for a few minutes. I loved GOG.com - not only was their service great, but they had a strong role in the gaming community by providing classics, and a place to talk about them with other intelligent people. I think it was really one of the few gaming-related businesses I could say I genuinely respected, and it's a total shame to see them go under.

From comments on their Twitter page, it sounds like they might have been struggling a bit with getting publishers to continue their support... low prices plus no DRM is a hard sell these days, probably even more so than when they launched, and getting worldwide distribution rights couldn't have been easy either. These games will surely migrate to other platforms, but the spirit may not be the same.

I also hope this doesn't mean bad things are headed to CD Projekt RED. CD Projekt owned GOG.com and I'm afraid this might put The Witcher 2 in jeopardy. Why is it always the best and brightest people of the industry that get fucked over? We should be rewarding these guys for their hard work, not lamenting their ruin.
GOG was a brilliant service that was really needed and appreciated by the community...

But I was wondering when it would stop being lucrative. After all, these guys have to ironically compete with new games. Not to mention they have to deal with publishers and old licences, which must be a cringe-worthy task...
Various people believe that it's a marketing stunt.
Yea, some chap on Neogaf said it was so they could mark it going out of beta.
It's more of a blunder than a stunt though if it is.
Looks like it might be part-stunt, part-true. As in, the old GOG is dead, as they will be forced to start adding games with DRM to their offer.

I also hope this doesn't mean bad things are headed to CD Projekt RED. CD Projekt owned GOG.com and I'm afraid this might put The Witcher 2 in jeopardy. Why is it always the best and brightest people of the industry that get fucked over? We should be rewarding these guys for their hard work, not lamenting their ruin.

I very much doubt that the GOG situation will influence The Witcher 2 in any way.
Ausir said:
Looks like it might be part-stunt, part-true. As in, the old GOG is dead, as they will be forced to start adding games with DRM to their offer.
So basically they'll probably become a competitor with Steam and Direct2Drive (and others, of course)? I don't really want them to put up new games + DRM. One of the things I liked about GOG is how I could search... for example: "Fallout" without "Fallout 3", "Fallout 3 DLC: Operation Anchorage", "Fallout 3 DLC: Mothership Zeta", "Fallout 3 DLC: Broken Steel", "Fallout 3 DLC: Point Lookout", "Fallout 3 DLC: The Pitt", "Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition", "Bethesda Game Pack" and "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" coming up in the results.
I liked it to simply visit their site and download what I need right now. It was simple and fast. Hope this will not change with some shitty client or stuff like that.
I don't really believe GOG will simply disappear. I mean, that would somehow imply it was not profitable, and I think if anything their operation seemed to be working very well. It grew way more than I expected when I first saw the site in its debuts.

I never got the chance to use it, but I was planning to do so... let's hope they come back.
Come on, they've just offered Age of Wonders (bought it 2 days ago), and had the other two in the series scheduled. (I don't want to go to Impulse to get those!)
I'm pretty sure you don't just close shop when you have 2 other games lined up for publishing.
They could have closed a month ago when there were no upcoming new games.

On the other hand, AoW was released without any additional material (like manual!! and artwork).
This could mean either they were in a hurry to beat the other online shops, or they weren't allocating the necessary resources anymore, because they are going bust anyways.
I've probably got like 30+ games on there that I need to backup..

And I don't even know if I CAN get them all, when they're supposed to let us download again.

To me this is a load of crap and it's a poor way to repay their supporters.

There were quite a few occasions where I'd see people saying they wouldn't buy games from GoG because they didn't see it as a stable DD platform. I thought they were full of shit.

Sure showed me.
What happened? Does anyone have any info on this?

Yes. Kiciński-shenanigans, don't panic.

I also hope this doesn't mean bad things are headed to CD Projekt RED. CD Projekt owned GOG.com and I'm afraid this might put The Witcher 2 in jeopardy.

Wooz said:
Why so funny? CD Projekt RED is part of CD Projekt, no? Wouldn't it be reasonable to expect that the entire company was in some sort of dire financial straits if they started closing down certain parts wholesale? Compare: if Valve shut down Steam due to financial concerns, I would imagine it'd also make people question the fate of their future games as well.

Of course, after all the rumours and whatnot I'm actually pretty sceptical about the whole thing. If this is fake, then it's one of the dumbest stunts I've seen in a while. Way to alienate your own customers.
Aw, don't take it personally. It's funny because:

1) Financially speaking, CD Projekt was in deep cacky last year, around March. They fired a lot of people, closed down several projects, rebooted TW2 and shut down permanently Metropolis Software. Optimus SA bailed them out a few months later. They're doing fine right now, many people who were fired are working there again, and crunching on TW2.

2) GOG is in no way as important to CDP/CDPR as Steam is to Valve.

3) This is a marketing/rebranding stunt. They're not shutting down anything.

So, eh. Don't worry about TW2, it's coming out. Rock solid.
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