Going to the gym

The best way to burn fat around your entire body is to work your entire body. The way I do this is what I call "self-induced seizures." Every day for about an hour, i just lie in bed and start to shake violently all over. It gets kinda boring but when you're done, you feel really good. :wink:
SimpleMinded said:
Every day for about an hour, i just lie in bed and start to shake violently all over.

You need help. You should try to develope a second personality that's a shrink to fix your psyche.
SimpleMinded said:
The best way to burn fat around your entire body is to work your entire body. The way I do this is what I call "self-induced seizures." Every day for about an hour, i just lie in bed and start to shake violently all over. It gets kinda boring but when you're done, you feel really good. :wink:

I do cock pushups with my chicks. Builds up them muscles something fierce.
You do know that it's biologically impossible to burn fat in specific areas, right?

You can train certain muscles individually, but that's not the same thing.
The Overseer said:
So now I'm mixing jogging and going to the gym (mostly for arms and upper body training), daily.

But I wonder... When jogging, you burn fat, but is that burning distributed evenly over the entire body or just legs and thighs? Should I complement with some other fat burning exercises? Which ones?

What's the best way to burn waist fat?

I suck at pushups, I'm honestly the worst person alive at pushups. I barely remember how to do situps so my abdominal muscles do most of the work.

I have to get better at pushups.

Diet is somewhat of a problem, I try to keep fat to a minimum, and eat food that contain a lot of protein, fibers and carbs. I'm not sure what to eat, honestly, and I'm too cheap to buy a book.

Guys put fat generally on their bellies and chests before the fat spreads to the arms and legs (women put it on the hips and thighs before anywhere else), and exerting a muscle burns calories, but from where it doesn't really matter. There's no way to specifically target a source of fat and get rid of it, most of the time it comes off the same way it went on. So, expect to see less fat around the belly and chest and then you'll lose it in the arms and legs.

Of course, I don't know how much fat you've got on you and where, but I'm just saying what happens if there is fat in specific parts of the body.

Good to hear about the running, though. Keep that shit up and go on long runs. Don't worry about speed, just worry about keeping the heart rate up at an uncomfortable level and working your muscles. Aerobics is the way to burn fat cheaply and in a way that won't let it come back.

Diet? no specific advice beyond the obvious (no junk food, etc), but try not to eat too much of anything, and stay away from high-calorie stuff. Calories are the enemy here. You must learn to hate and fear them.

Also, in my own physical fitness program, I've abandoned long runs for a whole bunch of short ones because I need to get my mile time down as much as possible by the end of the summer. I'm pulling 6 800 meter runs every couple of days and timed miles in pairs every once in a while to track my progress.

So far I'm at 5:47, which is about forty-five seconds off from where I started this summer. My goal is 5:30 for the mile, 12:00 for the 2-mile, and 20 for the 3-mile. 8)
You can probably get a training program from your martial arts teacher or similar. When I go to the gym I mostly have one simple rule in my head. I never use heavier weights that my own weight. It keeps a nice balance that way. Go for stamina when it comes to martial arts.

I read that post fine, then I looked at the sig and pictured those sheep at a gym and snorted my coffee laughing. Damn overactive imagination.

Me personally I stick with calisthenics. Pushups (3 kinds), situps, running three miles, jumping jacks, and crunches all worked into one hour without any break. Works fine for me, I weigh 132 pounds, down from last years 150.
PhredBean said:
Me personally I stick with calisthenics. Pushups (3 kinds), situps, running three miles, jumping jacks, and crunches all worked into one hour without any break. Works fine for me, I weigh 132 pounds, down from last years 150.

Your weight and amount of exercise deserve a :shock: , but the fact you only spend one hour deserves a :eek: .

The Vault Dweller
I was planning something similar, but I want to add more muscle training to that. Mabe I'll do your one hour training Phredbean, with a few variations. My goal is to be able to run over 6 miles straight by the end of this summer. Right now I'm at 3.4 miles.

There's mostly just asfalt to run on around here though, as I don't want to get lost in the forest. Not only don't I get a distance count, but running on asfalt sucks. Both for your legs/feet and your shoes.

I'll have to add another hour of weightlifting too. That makes two hours a day, seems alright.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Your weight and amount of exercise deserve a :shock: , but the fact you only spend one hour deserves a :eek: .
My small frame trait helps, I put weight on slowly and shuck it off quickly, however, I don't bulk up well at all. I'm 5' 7' also, so 132 is in the low end of the recommended weight for me. I let myself go pretty hard last year but I'm back to my regimen again.

As for the time: 8 minutes for stretching is more than plenty.
Next I do the conventional calisthenics, which take about 20 minutes. Pushups are quick, I do two sets of thirty regular pushups, one set of thirty diamonds, and one set of thirty pushups with my arms widely spaced. Situps and crunches are two sets of thirty, jumping jacks is two sets also of thirty but in four-count. No sets are done back to back with another of the same muscle group. This section of the excersize is fairly easy once you've done it for a year or so.
Running goes fast if you keep your stride long (it doesn't take much more energy at all for a long stride compared to a short one, just don't bounce, keep it smooth) and your mind off the distance until you reach your goal. If you are going to run, I highly recommend you get a good MP3 player. I only do 3 miles, it takes 24 minutes at a fairly relaxed pace, just over 18 if I'm pushing really hard.

The Overseer said:
My goal is to be able to run over 6 miles straight by the end of this summer. Right now I'm at 3.4 miles.
I should probably try that and see how far I can run in a stretch, as it is I never deviate from my usual mountain trail I run here which is only 1.6 miles up, then another 1.6 down.

The aerobic workout there is awesome though, the lowest parts of my city is 4300 feet above sealevel, the mountain is over 6000, the trail I jog is closer to about 5200 feet up. I don't have to run nearly as far here as I did in Florida for the same workout, but I still run the same distance. And the view is just spectacular, the Rocky mountains are the only reason I tolorate Utah and its stuff-assed religiously-intolorant inhabitants.
I prefer an exclusive aerobic workout coupled with a healthy diet as my regimen. I don't care about having bulky muscles, I just want to stay trim and fit.

That's why it's about 1 - 2 hours of biking every day or every other day.

A lot of you people love to jog, but I'd much prefer biking -- it's faster paced and you see a lot more. I always feel like I'm going on an adventure when I get the good ol' trek out.
I need to a 5 to 6-day plan for going to the gym. Can anyone give me a tip on how to divide muscle groups and such?
The Overseer said:
Can anyone give me a tip on how to divide muscle groups and such?
A good sharp scalpel works very very well. You might even try one made of obsidian as it can take a monomolecular edge.
Cool, than we have a day to post stuff like this.

Enjoy it, but I'd like to know by tomorrow, because that's when I'll start going to the gym more seriously.
Babs', just do whatever this instructor guy tells you. You know bettar than trusting teh intarnet.
But you have to book and instructor, and pay for him, and I rarely manage to get up before 11.
just show up in tights and leg warmers..then hit on the trainers... mention how you'd love to get those rippling pecs like they have.
Pretty soon they will give you a full program just to get rid of you