Good LAN games for old computers?

Alpha Centauri is a good LAN game (if you have a long lan) and it runs on older computers pretty good.
Well, TA, Very good, works fine on a 300Mhx w/8MB gfx.

UT seems to rezuire a 400MHz+ witha decent gfx card.

AOEis pretty good, try CS, but that's hard to run on a 300Mhz.

THis should all run fine on a 400Mhz w/32mb gfx
Thanks for the tips. I have a problem thought:

The older computer with win95 (w00t) doesn't seem to recognize LAN option in some games. My computer that has winME (w00t) recognizes the LAN where ever it's possible. For example, we tried Dune2000. I checked the multiplayer menu and there it was: LAN. But when i checked the menu with win95 computer, the LAN didn't show up. What to do?
Gekko said:
Thanks for the tips. I have a problem thought:

The older computer with win95 (w00t) doesn't seem to recognize LAN option in some games. My computer that has winME (w00t) recognizes the LAN where ever it's possible. For example, we tried Dune2000. I checked the multiplayer menu and there it was: LAN. But when i checked the menu with win95 computer, the LAN didn't show up. What to do?

Make sure you have TCP/IP and IPX on both computers (although all games should be using TCP/IP). I assume you can ping and share files on the network, if You can't or have no idea what I am talking about let me know and I'll explain (althought I don't check these forums that often).

Also, its in your best interest to format the ME computer and burn the CD. If you Don't use XP or 2k, 98se is the best OS.

I agree that Alpha Centuari would be fun if any of by bastard friends would ever play it with me. Other than that, Doom is always good for a laugh as is GTAI and II. Finaly, if nothing else seems to clench your thurst, go download a SNES emulater (ZSNES is the best ) and play Bomber man and Secert of Mana over the network.
Blood and Shadow Warrior, back in highschool we used to get pissed and play them for all hours, yeah we were cool :)
I recommend C&C: Red Alert and the almost totally unknown (but still fun) "Entrepeneur" (the latter you would probably have to download from an abandonware site).
The Dweller said:
Blood and Shadow Warrior, back in highschool we used to get pissed and play them for all hours, yeah we were cool :)
Shadow warrior was great see below:

  • After you die your disembodied head could spit blood at enemies
    Rabbits, if left alone, would multiply lie, well , rabbits.

Another good one was Mecharrior Mercenaries... You could get going 1300Km/h in this one mech and blow off chunks of much larger ones..
i's say go with either "classic" fps's (doom2 and duke nukem 3D are my favorites), or any of blizzard's work prior to Warcraft 3. Old strategy games can be great, C&C and warcraft 2 still house some of my favorite multiplayer memories, the "something general" series (Panzer, Fantasy...) can be good fun too, if they are your (and your brother's) cup of tea.

Try some arcade emulators with multyplayer support, if they run, you can get great fun with some classic beat'em'ups like final fight and shadows over mystara.
Nobody mentioned Quake, now that would entertain you guys for a long time.

You should also try Warhammer: Dark Omen, Xwing vs Tie Fighter, and all the other games mentioned before.

But better than any other. . . Constructor! Play that game in multiplayer and you will have a nice laugh :)
Chik'n Hunt'a said:
You need a 800mhz and at least a 32 MB Graphic card, but I cannot get off the top of my head the Ram you need. =/

No way, I used to play it on a P3 700 with a 16MB voodoo banshee and it ran pretty smooth.
Odd, I thought I knew the minium requirements by heart.. Yup. I'm confusing it with Hitman contracts.
Sorry. I'm a noob. (Good excuse isn't it?)
Guys, Half Life runs smoothly on a P5 166MMX with 32 MB RAM and a 4 MB 3Dfx Voodoo. The same probably goes for CS. I'd recommend at least a 200MMX for Unreal Tournament, though.

The computers Gekko has are a major overkill for Duke 3D and Quake. Duke needs a 486-DX4 on 100 MHz to run smoothly, though a Pentium is recommended for higher resolutions. Quake runs perfectly in 640x480 on a P5 133. None of them support 3D acceleration.

If you're desperate for a multiplayer driving game, don't play GTA 2, and especially not GTA 1 (because GTA 1 runs horribly on anything faster than a P5 166, due to a poorly implemented frame limiter) - play Carmageddon 2. It runs well on anything stronger than a P5 133 with decent 3D acceleration. Carmageddon 1 is IMHO a bad choice, because it supports 3D acceleration only when patched, and even then it works only with 3Dfx Voodoo. On the other hand, without 3D acceleration it's so ugly I can barely stand to look at it.
If you can set up a DOS LAN (showin' my age, aren't I), then I recommend Syndicate and Syndicate: American Revolt. I don't remember if Crusader: No Regret and Crusader: No Remorse were multiplayer, but they were damned cool.
hackenberg said:
set up a DOS LAN.

Good luck with that! I always remember it being a real bitch to get any DOS to do much networking at all, much less getting it to work with games... 95 did a decent job covering it's DOS heritage, though...

Do all (or alost all) DOS games work in Win95? How about in DOS prompt?