Good news in more than one language


Night Watchman
Staff member
We've installed a number of new language packs to our forum; Those are, in alphabetical order, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese, Romanian, Russian and Swedish . Hopefully this will make some of you a bit more comfortable. Set your preferred language in your User Profiles.

Of course, this is for your convenience only; The main language of No Mutants Allowed will still be English, other languages are only permitted in the specific News Comments fora (Polish, German and French)

So, dobrodošlica, god morgen, goedemorgen, hyvää huomenta, bonjour, guten Morgen, jó reggelt, godmorn, dzien dobry, bom dia, bunã dimineata, добрый день, god morgon. The choice of those is based on our number of readers from the respective countries, so if your language is missing - let me know, tell your friends and relatives to come here, and send us a link to your phpbb language pack ;)
ну теперь мы серьёзно обписаемся!!!

"Now we will seriously pee ourselves!!!" :D

Oh, and if some spelling errors are encountered, where should they be reported?

Be advised, just because we have uploaded 16 languages, doesn't mean we'll keep on supporting them :D But please, if you point exactly to where the error is, i'm sure something can be done.

You might also let know ;)
The non-standard features (like downloads and Gallery) are untranslated, but we welcome help with that :)

PS. Vash sig rocks!
probably most important is that the download section have good translation...

edit: The download section would have to be completely different since the file explanations are in english..yeah time to learn some english.
Lo considero un insulto que mi ideoma no esta representado!
Al cuerno con ustedes!!!

And if anyone understood that, no I don't actually care. I've probably spelled it all badly too.
I beg your pardon, sir, it was not my intention to insult you. :P

Traigo companieros or something :P Or give me a link there :P

(I knew it would come to that, and now if I install Czech, I'll have to find a Slovak pack too :P)
what about chinese and korean? Not sure about japanese, but I have seen a korean translated, official fallout2...and the directhook tutorial was with a chinese fallout2 screenie!
Technically it is possible, but we're getting not that much traffic from China and Korea - as much as Greece, less than Israel or Turkey.

If I see Koreans or Chinese here with requests, we might go to that length though :)
I wish to have fallout screenies in all languages..i bet fallout logo looks dope in chinese..i could get it tatood on my lower back.