Good PSP Games?


Your Local Scrub
I bought a PSP for my trip to Las Vegas (I'm going back home ((was born and raised there)) to see my mother and grandmother), and I wanted to get some recommendations for good PSP games. I already got the MGS PSP games to go with it.
That fucker beat me to it!!!

Well, if MULTIPLE votes are being taken into account about your choices, I also heavily recommend Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta. Great games, and both magnificent ports of non-portable series into the PSP's controls. Feels quite natural, so you're not struggling with different button layouts and such.

More to the point....... really? You just bought a PSP? o.O I mean I've got nothing against the PSP, obviously I own one, but to get one right now? Huh... just wouldn't have expected that!
Metal Gear AC!D 2
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

I know you said you already have MGS games, but I'm assuming that doesn't include any of the AC!D games. AC!D 1 is definitely completely optional as the sequel isn't that heavily tied to it, and the gameplay is far better in every aspect.
Speaking of Playstation portables, what do people here think of the Vita?
I have been following the releases for it so I am wondering if there is any 'killer app'/great game for it not found on another console.