- we're almost there. Your script is awesome, but there's still a kink in it as I didn't make my intention clear originally:
1) the problem with the inventory was caused because I had set the PA proto to use NAPOWR, instead of the default HAPOWR it should be (and is in the vanilla game) My fault. So i changed it back and now the inventory problem is solved :yay:
(although the little spinning dude in the inventory screen always shows HAPOWR, but who cares about that)
2) I took out the part in your script about holstering. That whole thing with trying to get the dude to holster before changing art was a bad way i came up with to solve the graphics engine problem. But i don't want to do that as it forces the player to holster their weapon and that's bad. My new solution to the graphics engine problem is to use a different transition animation for each weapon type. So - that's all good - i changed that for myself, by commenting out the holstering stuff.
3) SO - the only remaining problem (i hope and pray) is that for me, the script as is doesn't play the transition animation during 'combat start' when i have a weapon equipped and doesn't change art FID. I understand most of the script - what is preventing this?

1) the problem with the inventory was caused because I had set the PA proto to use NAPOWR, instead of the default HAPOWR it should be (and is in the vanilla game) My fault. So i changed it back and now the inventory problem is solved :yay:
(although the little spinning dude in the inventory screen always shows HAPOWR, but who cares about that)
2) I took out the part in your script about holstering. That whole thing with trying to get the dude to holster before changing art was a bad way i came up with to solve the graphics engine problem. But i don't want to do that as it forces the player to holster their weapon and that's bad. My new solution to the graphics engine problem is to use a different transition animation for each weapon type. So - that's all good - i changed that for myself, by commenting out the holstering stuff.
3) SO - the only remaining problem (i hope and pray) is that for me, the script as is doesn't play the transition animation during 'combat start' when i have a weapon equipped and doesn't change art FID. I understand most of the script - what is preventing this?