Got ass rape withdraw from the lack of Bethesda sodomizing Fallout? Amazon is going to fix it soon.


Learned to love the bomb

Are you ready for the first nonbinary pangender ghoul of color and his quirky adventures full of sarcastic quips, oh-so-random millennial humor and masturbatory 4th-wall-breaking metacommentary?? You better be because it's coming! Lube yourself up and assume the position!

That must have been what happened to that person that's on the ground near the door and we can only see their legs.
They tried to shit on Tolkien, I bet they'll try to shit on this IP. I'm not expecting anything good from soul sucking corporation.
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Ditto...with exception for the practical and virtual stage sets. The set would likely be pretty well done; never well used, but pretty well done.
Ditto...with exception for the practical and virtual stage sets. The set would likely be pretty well done; never well used, but pretty well done.
Well they can't corners on everything, right? If dwellers will be as annoying/vile as Iwish hobbits, I hope Enclave will get them errradicated in the story.
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I still have 4 seasons of the 70's "Mission Impossible" series to go through before I even consider watching another TV series. And since I haven't watched a "newer" TV series (made after 2010) besides the (now old-ish) "The Good Place". I don't think I will be watching this one either.
Cant wait for a blond combover evul nazi Enclave leader who will give parody tier speeches about "making postapo america great again" donning a big trucker hat, only to be put down by a transgender pansexual two spirit midget with autism and rainbow tattoo on xir forehead accompanied selfaware snarking bunch of le random quirky gagglefucks ( and one wimpy cucked straight white dude )...

I mean we had alt right MGTOW Numenorans and hobo ghetto hobbits in Kangz of Power, NOTHING will surprise me at that point and i expect nothing less than an absolute woke shitshow.
reading that made me so mad, but only so mad as someone that has seen that exact same thing happened again and again - so it's not a surprise anymore.

I am almost fucking resigned, bro. Resigned to know that TV adaptations of good things won't work.
reading that made me so mad, but only so mad as someone that has seen that exact same thing happened again and again - so it's not a surprise anymore.

I am almost fucking resigned, bro. Resigned to know that TV adaptations of good things won't work.
I give negative amount of fucks about ANY new tv /movie creation.
I lived to see Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien franchise ( albeit from different reasons ), Witcher, HALO, LOTR and countless other beloved ips ruined - i have no hope that anything they create these days will be even half decent let alone good.

I switched to books, indie games and writing shit on my own.
I dunno~ Considering Fallout 4's personal story get butchered by Beth writers, the Amazon script writers couldnt possible do any worse.
I give negative amount of fucks about ANY new tv /movie creation.
I lived to see Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien franchise ( albeit from different reasons ), Witcher, HALO, LOTR and countless other beloved ips ruined - i have no hope that anything they create these days will be even half decent let alone good.

I switched to books, indie games and writing shit on my own.
Problem with people like you is apparently you thought these soulless franchises were ever gonna be good long term. Acting surprised that any fucking IP is being milked is kinda...well dumb. People are dumb now. Most of them (notyou) then go and watch the shit they cry about then cry more.
I dunno~ Considering Fallout 4's personal story get butchered by Beth writers, the Amazon script writers couldnt possible do any worse.
Oh dont you worry about that, im sure they will definetly surpass F4.
Bad story is meh, bad story with "current thing", 4th wall breaking shit and reddit tier humor is atrocious.

soulless franchises
I never considered ST/Witcher/SW/HALO/LOTR to be "soulless franchise".. And as for quality of the tv series - i didnt expect miracles but fuck me i never expected shit to be THAT bad as Witcher or Kangz of Power..
I dunno~ Considering Fallout 4's personal story get butchered by Beth writers, the Amazon script writers couldnt possible do any worse.

You would be amazed.
Star Trek Picard season 1 was bad and yet writers managed to find new lows with seasons 2 and 3.

There will be writers who will butcher the lore of Fallout even more than Bethesda has been doing.
Actually S3 is fine. If you don't like S3 you have issues enjoying things.
Autists are the worst class of fan to please.

They made Enterprise get canceled only to find out "WOW THIS SHOW WAS NOT THAT BAD" because of nerdy stupid fucking lore that nobody thought about 60+ years ago. The bitches tried yet I bet they are not even welcome at fan cons due to being death threated to death.

Fallout is gonna be good and all you nerdy crybaby contrarians will watch it.


This guy was great. S3 was so good I actually forgot the first two seasons even existed. Was it as good as TNG at it's high point? Probably not but this will be the last time you see those actors in such a role together so enjoy what you can before they die.

Then again Dutch you and I do not align on Trek very often so just ignore what I say and be upset.
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I think the title to this thread casually talking about ass rape and sodomy is fucking sick.* If I was going to rape an animal it would not be an ass, donkey, mule or the winner of the Grand National.

* sick as in sick, ill.