Graphics tool


First time out of the vault
Can someone link me to tool(s) for extracting and editing FO1 graphics? I checked in the Downloads section of this site but there was nothing in the Graphics category.

Also can anyone recommend a good sprite to use for measuring shadows and lighting angles? Something big and straight would work best.

Yes, I'd suggest Klingon Academy dat extractor for extracting the files, and Frame Animator for editing.
I looked at many sprites, but I think they are too irregular and grainy to be of much use in doing the math.
Yeah, that's the article I'm researching for. I have reason to believe that the article is wrong. For instance, the article says that the sunlight is at the same horizontal angle as the camera. But in the following image you can see that the shadows extend to the right of the object. Both statements can't be true.


I just wish I had a bigger and less pixelated image to compare with.
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The shadows in game aren't 100% consistent. They change depending in the artwork

Different artists made different renders, as along as the shadow is close to the one below its acceptable IMO.
