
  1. TheKingofVault14

    Fallout 1 Designer Jesse Heinig Shares New Details of The Cut Raider Factions The Vipers & Jackals.

    Recently on Twitter, TriangleCity asked FO1 Designer Jesse Heinig if he remembered any details of the original plans for the scrapped raider factions The Vipers & Jackals, and this is what he had to say... Here's the transcript of the Twitter thread: TriangleCity: "I know this is a longshot...
  2. Zaius238

    Fallout 1 mod Lotsa loading screens, to use in FO / FO2RP

    New loading screens for the original Fallout, and its sequel. I mention RP, because you'll find things like the fly/wasp (if you played FOT, you know about it) enemy found inside EPA, in some loading screens. The reason they're in 640x480 resolution, is because I used an ancient program called...
  3. S

    How Do I Not Suck at FO1&2

    I tried playing FO2 a year ago but after ten hours i felt like was barely stronger than when i started so i took a break. Im going to try again, im just looking for tips on how to build a strong character. My current plan is to focus on agility and endurance. Also would i gain anything from...
  4. lolpop109

    Whats you're favorite fallout settlement ?

    Tell me what you're favorite settlement is in a fallout game and give some reassons. If its hard to pick your top settlement you can pick you're top 3. Mine would be in no particular order ; New Reno Free side Rivet city Dam that was though ..... It was hard to miss out a few there, It...
  5. D

    Graphics tool

    Can someone link me to tool(s) for extracting and editing FO1 graphics? I checked in the Downloads section of this site but there was nothing in the Graphics category. Also can anyone recommend a good sprite to use for measuring shadows and lighting angles? Something big and straight would work...