Great performance.

That's another problem with films today. So many are filmed with an agenda in mind. I long for the films that have no hidden political meaning or any crap like that. I am a firm believer that movies should evoke emotion and imagination. They should be wonderful stories. They shouldn't have stupid political agendas, which I feel only take away from the film.
MrMarcus said:
Kharn said:
Oscars, pah. Them making good choices is usually because those good choices are painfully obvious or just good chance. If you really think they know anything, remember this: Bowling for Columbine got the best documentary oscar. Bowling for fucking Columbine, AKA "lie-fest galore"

It was obvious Michael Moore had an agenda when he filmed that.

That's not the issue

Agenda? Fine. I don't care

But a significant portion of the information in Bowling for Columbine is edited or simply made up. It's largely lies and deceit. So it might be a fun movie, and even a fun movie with a point, but it is NOT a documentary

doc·u·men·ta·ry ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dky-mnt-r)

1. Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents.
2. Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.
I'm aware of that Kharn.

I have never called Boweling for Colonbine a documentary for that very reason.

Facts are hard numbers, accurate recantation and recreation, first-hand witness reports. However, certain facts can support a viewpoint while other facts can tear it down. Most people tend to ignore facts that can tear it down.

Like a certain moron with an annoying avatar who loves to spout sales figures as the end-all be-all of game quality.

Was it Lord Assface or Lord Asshat? I can't remember....
MrMarcus said:
I fully agree, KoC. Leave agenda to the speechmakers, and let filmmakers create and entertain.

But what about films like The Mouse that Roared? That certainly had an agenda, just like Dr. Strangelove did. More to either one than simple entertainment and creativity and I'd say that most films that have lasting appeal are ones that go beyond it, although it's not necessarily a requisite.

Regarding the Oscars or any award for that matter, I really don't see why the public even pays attention to them. The more the public pays attention to this sort of thing the more it becomes a popularity contest and if that's all we wanted we should just hand out statuettes for box office grosses, best ratio of budget to revenue, etc., etc. and not sit around wringing hands over who will get the nod from [insert group name].

I think awards should focus more on the advancement of the art and science of cinema rather than turning into a public spectacle.

OnTheBounce said:
MrMarcus said:
I fully agree, KoC. Leave agenda to the speechmakers, and let filmmakers create and entertain.

But what about films like The Mouse that Roared? That certainly had an agenda, just like Dr. Strangelove did. More to either one than simple entertainment and creativity and I'd say that most films that have lasting appeal are ones that go beyond it, although it's not necessarily a requisite.
I think awards should focus more on the advancement of the art and science of cinema rather than turning into a public spectacle.


Point conceded, OTB.
MrMarcus said:
Point conceded, OTB.

Cheers! Very gracious of you, good sir!

(I'm standing at attention as I write this. Right in front of a sign that states "Peace is our Profession". :lol: )

Edit: Ack! I forgot to mention earlier that it is indeed shameful that Bowling for Columbine was marketed as a "documentary". To make a movie like that is one thing, but to pass it off as well-researched fact quite another.

ok you guys. I havent seen the movies depp played so well in by I want to, you said he did them last year, so what where their names?
I got bit torrent standing by for your reply :)
Just saw it last night. Kind of disappointing as I practically memorized Master and Commander.
Compeltely diffirent, I know, but still.......
I thought Rush's performance was as good as Deeps, but then again I love Rush.
And Kiera Knightly is a skank.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Just saw it last night. Kind of disappointing as I practically memorized Master and Commander.

I suspect you loved M&C just because it was a Peter Weir film.

Weir is so overrated. Picnic at Hanging Rock's good, tho'
Kharn said:
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Just saw it last night. Kind of disappointing as I practically memorized Master and Commander.

I suspect you loved M&C just because it was a Peter Weir film.

Weir is so overrated. Picnic at Hanging Rock's good, tho'
Gallipoli and Full Metal Jacket are the two reasons I exsist. My father had to make excuses to go out with my mother, and he looks a bit like the younger, non Mel Gibson actor.

I love Gallipoli. I love Patrick O'Brien. I love Peter Weir. I love Paul Bettany. I love Russle Crowe.
It was really natural that I loved M&C.

Have not seen most of his other stuff though, so you may be right.
OnTheBounce said:
Edit: Ack! I forgot to mention earlier that it is indeed shameful that Bowling for Columbine was marketed as a "documentary". To make a movie like that is one thing, but to pass it off as well-researched fact quite another.

Moore is an odd creature. He takes liberties in pretty much all his work, then he'll fervently deny having lied, but admits that his works are more 'editorial' than factual. He says that readers/viewers have a responsibility to know his politics and understand his perspective before viewing his work.
Malkavian said:
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
And Kiera Knightly is a skank.

You bastard!
Well, she is.

And yes, she is a skank. And has all the acting ability of Sofia Coppala in Godfather III.

And just saw Lost in Translation. Hilarious, as I spend alot of time in Japan and have close ties over there.
Also, I must admit, johansson is really hot, especially when she looks like a weird, but good mix of Claire Danes and Niomi Watts.
Nah, Keira wasn't that bad- certainly not Mary Corleone bad...

But you're right about LiT and Scarlett Johansson. Not only is she hot, she's the most natural actress I can remember watching...