Indeed, once again the commercial octopus of western capitalism has found another means of mind control.
Indeed it is the age. We don't have the great war and the great depression,our great war is spiritual and our great depression is our lifes. Most people don't realize it. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. TYet, Self improvement is masturbation. This commercial excess.... the things you own, end up owning you. It's only after we lost everything that we are free to do anything. Brother, You decide your own level of involvement.
What to do? Slide. To let that which did not matter truly slide.
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everybody drops to zero. People don't realize it, but you are not special, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake, you are the same decaying organic matter like everything else.
What is in the news? Martha Stewart, and you know what, Fuck Martha Stewart; Martha's polishing the brass on the Titanic. It's all going down, man. ANd you know what? Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.
So if not TV, then what? Religion? If our fathers were our models for god, and they failed, what does that tell you about god?
The other day, I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its own species. I wanted to open the dump valves on oil tankers and smother all those French beaches I'd never see. I wanted to breathe smoke. I felt like destroying something beautiful. I'd fight Ghandi.
Because the person who wrote this is dangerous. And one day he could just snap. And then this button-down, Oxford-cloth psycho, stalking from office to office with an Armalite AR-180 carbine gas-operated semi-automatic, pumping round after round into colleagues and coworkers. Could you know what? With a gun in your mouth you speak only in vowels.
also do not forget: worker bees can leave
even drones can fly away
the queen is their slave