Greece is the time, is the place, is the commotion- Riots

mulaalia said:
Like in other countries.

" - Hey dude, that guy has more money than we have."
" - Wow, let's go and kill him!"


I don't know if this is a joke, but gap in the Balkans is made through criminal activity,shady deals and corruption, Greece is no exception.

That was irony. :P
no offence, but there's terrible misinformation here, as well as everywhere.

i love it how thowsands of peaceful protestors, squatters and strikers are given the sidekick role in the mainstream media action movie "riots in greece" with firez explozans and lulz.

some info from someone that was actually there:

1)the murder happened on a saturday night, in a very popular and crowded place. thats why there are many, *many* eyewitnesses. there s not a doubt it wasnt an accident.

2)organized anarchists and leftists in greece count few thousands. the people i saw in the protests were many, many times more than that.
Thats right, the majority are not communists, not anarchists, just plain regular joes, who just added the murder of an innocent kid to the long, *long* list of things that make them angry. and it was inevitable that hell would break loose at some point.

oh and someone mentioned Panhellenic Social Movement as communists; they're like the Democrats of Greece. Ruled the country for 25 years and changed shit.

3) some people bust and burn stuff. true, but:

a. theyre not the majority. the majority take other forms of actions, like passive resistance, squatting their schools, peaceful demonstrating, trying to pull off strikes in their workplaces, stuff like that. what, never seen it on mainstream media? didnt think you would.

b. they are diverse. some are anarchists, hoping that this way they are "waking people up". some are angry schoolkids. then some, are police infiltrators.

Anyway my opinion after all this shit is that cops are there to do what they always did: whip the slaves so that the masters will always feel safe.
most of the time, the slaves are so pathetic that they feel safe themselves. which sometimes is proved wrong in a tragic way.
will the slaves take it forever? i dunno. do these things happen only in greece? definately not.

-0.02 EUR
zag said:
3) some people bust and burn stuff. true, but:

a. theyre not the majority. the majority take other forms of actions, like passive resistance, squatting their schools, peaceful demonstrating, trying to pull off strikes in their workplaces, stuff like that. what, never seen it on mainstream media? didnt think you would.

b. they are diverse. some are anarchists, hoping that this way they are "waking people up". some are angry schoolkids. then some, are police infiltrators.

Anyway my opinion after all this shit is that cops are there to do what they always did: whip the slaves so that the masters will always feel safe.
most of the time, the slaves are so pathetic that they feel safe themselves. which sometimes is proved wrong in a tragic way.
will the slaves take it forever? i dunno. do these things happen only in greece? definately not.

-0.02 EUR

It was the same here in Canada when we protested the G20 a few years back. All "the people" heard was about the 200 or so who rioted the night before, not the 30000 people who stood outside parliament singing songs of peace. The media didn't say that during the protest, what sparked the tear gas attack was when a cop got hit with a water balloon for kicking his own dog. We will never hear the whole story from the media because the media is controlled by the rich. And no matter where you go in the world, the rich spit on everyone else...
Not everyone who protests their government is a "commie bastard", like the Americans seem to think...
I agree, its easy to hate on the revolutionist when you yourself are sitting on the sidelines cheering the opressors.
Do not take my post to seriously or get upset over what I say. To be perfectly honest I do not give a damn what happens to Greece. The rioters can burn it down or the government can shoot them down for all I care.

I was just entertaining myself talking here out of boredom. It is an interesting situation to say the least and I enjoy watching videos of the left wingers getting tear gas shot at them but my involvement ends around there.

I would care more if this was happening somewhere like the United Kingdom but considering it is Greece I honestly do not.

Anyways back on topic, are the riots officially over now or did they start up again? What is the official "situation" over there?
not really over.
BBC: "Ten youths briefly seized a state NET TV studio, holding banners saying "Stop watching, get out onto the streets".

Separately, youths attacked the riot police headquarters in the capital, Athens, damaging several vehicles."
Patton89 said:
not really over.
BBC: "Ten youths briefly seized a state NET TV studio, holding banners saying "Stop watching, get out onto the streets".

Separately, youths attacked the riot police headquarters in the capital, Athens, damaging several vehicles."


also, squats spread to over 600 highschools and 15 university schools

the government closes schools for christmas 5 days earlier to avoid further spreading of the squats

the offices of the main labor union got squatted this morning by independent trade unionists pressing for a new strike

small fines on officers who last year beat up a student who they mistook for someone else based on his clothing caused a new clash outside the courts

sarcozy cares about greece: he postponed his educational reform in fear of youth uprising

and on and on. sorry, no time to search for references, gotta do it yourself.
Eh I am good, if anything big happens I am sure someone here will post it. It seems to be dying down a bit and the incidents being smaller or peaceful demonstrations.

I am a bit disappointed as so far this has hardly been the evil regime topping revolution the lefties were making it out to be on other blogs/websites. Maybe they will still surprise me. :lol:

Oh well back to hearing every news station around here report on the 81 Walsh murder case finally being solved. I swear I do not even know why I bother with the news sometimes.
I am a bit disappointed as so far this has hardly been the evil regime topping revolution the lefties were making it out to be on other blogs/websites. Maybe they will still surprise me.
Not evil, but corrupt. The press in my country (Romania) emphasized the fact that the general population agreed with the protesters. I am not sure that is true though, but i've visited greece a lot and i've spoken to some of my friends there, and they're all really involved in the political life. They also dislike the government because they percieve it as being corrupt.
BBC:"Demonstrators charged at riot police outside parliament, throwing fire bombs. Police responded with volleys of tear gas.

Twelve days after the police shooting, anger has combined with discontent in other parts of Greek society.

Air traffic controllers are the latest public sector workers to go on strike.

An estimated 10,000 people joined a demonstration in Athens on Thursday that congregated outside a university and marched towards parliament, in anger at the shooting of a 15-year-old boy by a policeman on 6 December. "

This is going to lead to the end of the current goverment of Greece.
the unrest has reached a point of no-return, and even if it just ends, the problems and unsatisfaction wont go away.