Grudge Match at Gamespy

King of Creation said:
Business college? Hahahah. You give him too much credit. He went to NETTTS (New England Tractor Trailer Training School.) He used to pick up hitchhikers and perform certain "acts" with them. That's how he got his big break. At least, that's the word on the street.

Truck driving takes a bit of skill, I'm not too sure Herve can muster that.
haha cool ass poll's, 1 question... where was doom, starcraft, and half-life that they mentioned in the intro thingy??
I think they're just dispensing with even including those games in the preliminary round, and are gonna throw them in next round. Its like a tournament buy.
I'm surprised Fo2 is in such a significant lead. I thought most fans agreed that Fo1 was the better game.
Kindo said:
I'm surprised Fo2 is in such a significant lead. I thought most fans agreed that Fo1 was the better game.


Only the hardcore setting-type players. The phanb0ys.

Most people like 2, 'cause...y' has more quests.
Kindo said:
I'm surprised Fo2 is in such a significant lead. I thought most fans agreed that Fo1 was the better game.
Kharn has a point. Even if many on these boards for instance prefer Fallout, that isn't necessarily representative for the Fallout fans in general. There are 30 000 signatures in the petitions after all, so the about 200 "active" fans here doesn't have to be representative. And it is often the most dedicated fans (some would say fanatic ;)) that visit the forums, or at least post on them, and thus they are most likely not representative.

But I voted Fallout despite the fact that I liked Fallout 2 more, because Fallout 2 is just a sequel after all. It's lovely Fallout that deserves the credit.
Most fans of FO2 go for the extra quests and stuff over the solid main plot in FO. My big issue with FO2 is the ending. That's where it really falls on its face.
Fallout 2 wasn't bad, it was just a little over the top on certain things.

I agree on the ending and for me the whole GECK quest was really lame, it was just a tad wacky.

Some of the locations also didn't please me, still play Fallout 1 over Fallout 2.
Odin said:
Fallout 2 wasn't bad, it was just a little over the top on certain things.

It certainly wasn't bad, despite wrecking the setting a bit (which doesn't make it t3h evil, despite what Rosh would have us believe).

It's still an excellent non-linear game with great quests, interaction etc.

Shame about the ending, tho'. But it wasn't terrible, it just could've been better
SHIT. In the actual tournament bracket, they've posted Fallout 2 up against Baldur's Gate 2. That's just unfair. Gamespy has PlanetBaldursGate, with its enormous fanbase and forum population. The Fallout website that's on Rpgplanet is such a pile of shit. I don't even think it has a forum. Crap, Fallout's going to go down first round. :(
King of Creation said:
The Fallout website that's on Rpgplanet is such a pile of shit. I don't even think it has a forum.
Lol we where offered space at rpgplanet, which would have ended up in us being called PlanetFallout (if we wanted too).....

And remember that DAC used to be