John Uskglass
Venerable Relic of the Wastes

So you think that the American government hired whores to tempt good Muslims in Guantanamo? Do you also belive that I am a part of the massive Zionist conspiricy to kill all the Muslims as I am an American? This guy is a lying Islamofascist, clear and simple.If you can do nothing than simply assume that the children were right, and the British citizen is just lying, then there is clearly no debating with you. Instead of just thinking that maybe, just maybe, this prisoner could be speaking the truth, you immediately think "Liberal lies!!"
I would trust the kid, as the kid is less likely to be totally imbeded in Islamofascist beliefs.
Fair enough. My Weimer and early WW2 history is not what it should be.That's just historically ignorant. There's rarely one cause for any event, and the complexity of events leading up to enormous historical shifts like fascism and nazism aren't one man running into a building with a bomb strapped to his back. I mean c'mon...
But I think the comparison is fine-America, when faced with thousands dead, rising Islamofascism and a failing economy set up guantanamo. Germany went to Nazism
A) They dont. You are over rationalizing this, they just dont, nor will they, do this.The moment you give the USA the right to take prisoners and sound them out on their own with no right given, they have the right and ability to do this to anyone.
B) The comparison is silly. A prisoner at guantanmo can save hundreds of lives by waring him down until he confesses.
C) If you think Guantanamo is permanant, you are clearly, flat out wrong. America reacts to a crisis, thus it builds Guantanamo- you would do the same, most assuredly. When the crisis is over, we can just get rid of it. Look at the interment camps-are any of those left?
We would have to apprehend you in a nation with terrorist links or in the USA, first of all, and secondly, name a time this has happened with that level of absurdity (throwing a Dutchman who works at a Bookstore in Rutterdam into Guantanamo).What if they pluck me out of my house 'cause they think I'm a terrorist? Nobody can stop them, really, it's "legal" and "morally justified"
No, I am not saying that. I am saying that this has happened before, and it has always worked out. Guantanamo is not "here and it's here to stay (guantanamo o boy, guantanamo what a joy, guantanamo oi oi). It is a temporary adjustmant to America's nature to save thousands of lives.Or are you proposing we should just *trust* the government? The country that has a second amandement to check up on the government...The country that stood on the forefront of introducing democracy to check up on the government...That country would just let the country pick of people on random, because they *trust* them? Blindly?
If someone amputated three of my sister's legs, raped her, then cut out her tounge and most of her genetalia, and then I killed the guy who did it with a sledgehammer, you would say "it is not justified". But it's not your place to say that, not at all.And no, 9/11 does not justify this.
.I would like to remind you of the fact that all this blowing out of proportions of terrorism is rather new. History has seen much more horrible events, nothing to do with terrorism
Well then expand the definition of terrorism. I would say that most of what the Soviets where doing when the Nazis started taking power where really bad. True, it is diffirent, Mexico is not the Soviet Union of Islamofascism, and the Islamofascists, despite what they think, will never wipe us out, but all the same a similarity is there- the German people where scared shitless by the Soviets, so they elected Hitler.
You have a point here.It's simply international pressure. International pressure to do what is "right" by Western definition, to uphold "morality" and "the basic rights of man" has never been higher. Is it really that surprising then that the US, a country pressured from the outside, by countries that can look on lazily and act high and mighty because they don't have to take the helm, as well as from the inside, by that portion of the populace who hold value to doing what is "right", will be forced to stay its hand more so than any other country in history?
Some truth here, but then again, "European" politics are not what they used to be. Everywhere Social Democratic governments are failing in the face of Christian Democrat or more American style parties. Tayyip Erdogan, most recently Karamanlis, Berlisconi (more Italian then American, though), the death of the Socialist wing of the Labor party, and the Watermelons or the Reds have about as much chance of winning in Germany as megatron does getting into a Unitarian church.You immediately start thinking about "better" and "worse". You immediately have to start putting Europe down. Same with Sander, really. Can't you people understand that different is not necessarily better or worse.
Nope. None.So you're saying that because it hasn't gone over the edge before, it won't now. Does anyone else see a problem with that line of reasoning?
Bulloks. The Nazis where a reaction against the Communists. The bombing of Parliment was just something that helped them be pushed over the edge.1) It wasn't 1936, but 1933(IIRC, could've been 1932...)
2) They did not win the next general election, they used it as an excuse to imprison a load of communists and get a two-thirds majority for their plans in parliament through the lack of communists(who were imprisoned) and the manipulation of the Christian party.
So it was NOT a reaction to
Again, the nature of the Reds and the Greens (Islamofascists) is mostly diffirent, yet the Greens can do as much damage as the Reds in most circumstances, and controlling them cannot be done with the simple maintanance of a good army- you need to restrict certain liberties to avoid shit like 9/11.
Like?Of course, you do realise that for all the thigns that went badly through terrorism, there have been a lot of cases where things did not go badly after terrorism or economic hardship.
Does 1848 ring a bell? A series of revolutions that set Europe back politically half a century.
Bad economies+revolutionaries=revolutionaries/reactionaries. Almost the entire time.
And the USA invades two countries, installs the PATRIOT Act to violate the privacy of people, becomes more and more xenophobic and creates a place outside of the law so they can do things without being bothered by such pesky things as "regulations".
But at the same time 1/2 of all Americans agree with you. And they could win the next eleciton. If that number was 1/6, or some other number, I'd be scared shitless (actually, I wouldnt, but thats just me).
Secondly, the invasion of Iraq was really kind of a matter of time, and both of these invasions will certainly help people in the long run.
Thirdly, again, the Patriot act is obviously temporary and not even used.
Thru seperation his info will still be valid. If they found out that the Americans had found Osama, they would immideatly stop everything Osama knew about as to minimize the possibilty of Americans thrwarting thier plans. If we where to keep Osama hidden away and get info out of him, his info can save lives.Ehmm....riiight. You're saying that by not treating him in accordance with the law, you're going to save lives? How exactly? It's not as if the terrorists will not realise that he's gone and not adjust their plans them. And it's not like Bin Laden will divulge information through seperation. The only thing that I can think of that could be done then would be torture. And THAT goes against EVERY regulation of every modern institution.
I already dealed with this, but it is A) Never used and B) Could save lives.But, that aside, the PATRIOT Act might(MIGHT) save some lives, but is much more likely to cause a lot of invasion of privacy, and problems. Furthermore, I don't like it if the government can just incarcerate me by saying "We think he's a terrorist." It puts way too much power in the hands of the government.
And you got Nuremburg. And Germany gave up the Sundentland and Prussia, kicking out millions of ethnic Germans. We have done nothing like that.*smacks CCR* We've had war. We've been invaded by the Germans and hundreds of thousands lost their lives because of it. You've had one attack causing 3000 deaths. Compare.
The actions, no, the actions within contentext, yes.Plus, this doesn't make what the USA is doing any better.
Bullshit, a majority of people in your part of the woods still belive in God, and you are comparing Western Europe, which is tiny, with America, which is huge. If you include Bavaria, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Greece, the former Yugoslavia, Poland and Malta you get a continent that is almost s religious as we are. Not to mention Abghazia, Circassia, Armenia, Georgia...A) Religion v. A-religion.
I fail to see the diffirence here, as both of us have social welfare, and some continental social systems (Greece, Germany) are just as fucked as ours. And we are not the ones who killed our grandparents because we could not give them enough money in medicare to afford air conditioning.B) Social welfare v. Bad social welfare

Interesting, so in your view Berlisconi never exsisted?C) Europe is more liberal.
*looks at France, Britan*D) European political systems are completely different.
o rly?
It's called California. Or New York. Ever been?E) European views on such matters as sex, drinking and whatnot are more liberal.
Ever watched American television? We have a religious right more then you do, anyway, but that will change.
This is tiny.F) Class-action lawsuits.
Stop bitcing that I don't respond, I get around to it.