Guess-the-movie game...

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
SuAside said:
Dune does spring to mind, but the planet lacks the lava rivers i think. probably not that...
Ummm, there were no lava rivers on Dune.

hmz, what other planet does one see in Dune the movie?

Dune itself, but it's a desert planet, so no lava there...
the goodguys homeworld, thats full of water. hmz but the picture is black, so thats not it either! damn it!

aha! the badguy's homeworld! it's all icky & black & stuff. oooooooh look! lava rivers!!!!!!!

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
well, at the beginning of the movie, you get an explanation on 3 planets (in the directors cut anyway) and you see a brief zoom-in on the 3 planets.

you see something like this (but less red) & then they zoom in a bit.

(the pic comes from a game i think so isnt a good source)

while zoomed in, it shows cracks in the crust or natural surface of the planet and the reddish stuff flowing in it would logically be lava. hence lava rivers.

your link doesnt say anything useful on the subject btw. but honnestly i dont give a rats ass... whats the bloody difference if i think there are lava rivers on Giedi Prime or not... you cant prove that there arent & i cant prove that there are. the red stuff might be the result of the baron's hemeroids for all i care.
... just amazing.

Anyway, in my picture, the black fellow in the suit is poring boiling tea over a poor bloke's head.