Guess-the-movie game...

KQX said:
BTW, why isn't Kharn contributing? He liked that movie quote thread and I know he has an extensive DVD collection. Too cool for us, I guess.

I'll join in at some point.

Obscure screenshots are harded to find than obscure quotes, though, so that ruins half the fun for me.
Oh f'r fucks sake:


next stop: easyville
Eh, for anyone who cares, that movie I posted was Jersey Girl.
LinksBoxers said:
I don't know Pale Horse's, but I thought this'd be a cool contribution.

You thought wrong. For one, there are rules to this game. The rules state that you can only post a new pic if you guessed the previous one, because just posting screens constantly is pretty useless.

Secondly, your post sucked, because it's both recognizable *and is linked from wikipedia* which means you can just look up where it's from. (which would be the Wall).