You so know too much about guns for a Belgian.
You're a post office massacre waiting to happen.
You're a post office massacre waiting to happen.
pffft... Belgians have always had a huge firearms production capability around Luik/Liège. at the time, mostly hunting rifles and stuff, but for the past 100 years we've also have FN Herstal downthere. best military firearms in ze weurld! (FN owns FN-H, FN USA, Browning and Winchester firearms)Brother None said:You so know too much about guns for a Belgian.
funny, my closest colleague said the same thing a few days ago after he saw the playlist on my mp3...Brother None said:You're a post office massacre waiting to happen.
SuAside said:pffft... Belgians have always had a huge firearms production capability around Luik/Liège. at the time, mostly hunting rifles and stuff, but for the past 100 years we've also have FN Herstal downthere. best military firearms in ze weurld! (FN owns FN-H, FN USA, Browning and Winchester firearms)
SuAside said:funny, my closest colleague said the same thing a few days ago after he saw the playlist on my mp3...
really? didnt know that. odd, since the dutch army buys most of their stuff abroad?Brother None said:So? The Netherlands is one of the biggest arms exporters in the world to 3rd world countries and is thus one of the biggest progenitors of African civil strife.
well, true, but we (especially the walloons actually) have a gun culture, where the dutchies do not (because your laws pretty much banned most of the gunownership a century ago).Brother None said:That doesn't make the Dutch like guns any more than a gun factory should make the Belgians like guns.
i'm belgian first, then european and then flemish.Brother None said:Can I still say Belgian, or is it Flemish-Belgian now? Or just Flemish or Walloon? Or "nationally-challenged individual"?
i'd never shoot up my workplace...Brother None said:Just to clarify, buddy, we're not all after you and no, the world is not supposed to have a vague red haze over it.
mkay...Maphusio said:...Jesus Christ... I thought the rifle that could be dunked in water and fired at all 360 degrees of a circle was insane.
SuAside said:really? didnt know that. odd, since the dutch army buys most of their stuff abroad?
SuAside said:well, true, but we (especially the walloons actually) have a gun culture, where the dutchies do not (because your laws pretty much banned most of the gunownership a century ago).
SuAside said:ri'm belgian first, then european and then flemish.
SuAside said:rno one gives a shit about their problems really, we're more interested in jobs, inflation, and whatnot.
i never get excited over guns, but they're damn neat things...Madbringer said:Anyone who gets excited by an item which only purpose is to inflict harm is a sicko, mkay.
This is not the fanbase you are looking for.Madbringer said:Anyone who gets excited by an item which only purpose is to inflict harm is a sicko, mkay.
SuAside said:i never get excited over guns, but they're damn neat things...
oh and guns are a tool, and as tools their usage depends entirely on you.
in my case: good for sport, contain marvelous mechanics and are simply a hoot to shoot.
so as such, my guns are made to kill evil paper targets and bowling pints that threathen my physical well-being!
Silencer said:This is not the fanbase you are looking for.
SuAside said:(...)what's your point?(...)
[PCE said:el_Prez]My favorite gun ever invented
actually, a gun is far less dangerous in close combat (within 2m) than a knife, which is the most likely range for muggings and whatnot. you'd be amazed...Kyuu said:It's also rather more difficult to defend yourself against someone with a gun as opposed to someone using a melee weapon.
SuAside said:why arent you talking about banning cars and knives? they're both tools like guns, yet you dont think they're more dangerous, do you?