Madbringer said:
I don't know. Are we? I saw a person being shot in the stomach because someone, who legally owns a firearm, did not like the color of his shoe-laces.
You have lived quite a life! I have had the good fortune to never have personally directly killed anyone, nor have I ever seen anyone murdered in front of my eyes. I have had the misfortune of being shot at, and being stabbed, tasered, and OC'd. But most of that came with the job and some of it was voluntary. I have certainly seen plenty of dead bodies from a variety of accidental and intentional causes, but I have never actually witnessed anyone being murdered in front of my own eyes, particularly over the color of my shoe-laces! I can see how this trauma would inform your opinions.
However, my thought would be that if he also had a gun, the innocent victim might still have the right and capability of wearing the shoe-laces of his choice.
Anyways, on to our discussion:
Madbringer said:
But that wouldn't be a legally acquired pipe bomb, would it? I mean, legally acquired components, but the end result you still cannot own without fearing a reaction from the authorities. That's the difference.
What you say is absolutely true, but it is also irrelevant to the point previously made, being that means do not equal intent.
So we will treat it as a new point. It is illegal to manufacture, use, or possess a pipe bomb. Provided you meet federal and state requirements, it is not illegal to own a firearm in my country. However, it is illegal to use either or both in the commission of a crime. And once you are a convicted felon in this country, even after you have served your time, it becomes illegal. The difference being that a pipe-bomb serves no legitimate public purpose while simultaneously representing an undue risk of harm. Firearms pass both components of this test. There are legitimate purposes for the use of a firearm that are legally recognized in this country, including hunting, sport, and self defense. Furthermore, although the damage a firearm can do is considerable, it poses considerably less risk to the public at random then a bomb does.
Madbringer said:
Still, the gun is the most efficient and deadly. I could dodge the car, or try to disarm you when you wield the knife, or simply run away (and come back with friends xD), but with the gun, you decide whether i live or i die with nothing more then a press of the trigger.
I agree with you completely. A gun in either of our hands negates any physical advantages either one of us might have over the other. Which is why I have one.
You could run away from the gun, the gun could fail to go off, or any number of things could happen in between. Only the outcome matters. You say that you would try to disarm me or dodge me. If I am stronger or better skilled or luckier then you, it would suck to be you. I do not want to place my survival in that situation on my ability to outrun you or beat you into submission and/or compliance.
One of the things cops fear the most is the knife. The damage it can inflict and the speed in which it can be inflicted are quite impressive. I can tell you from personal experience that a bullet proof vest is abysmally bad at providing protection from knives. In my own experience, a pen knife punctured right through mine with little difficulty. As I have said earlier, I have never seen anyone shot in front of me. I have, however, seen plenty of prisoners in the aftermath of a knife fight. Human flesh isn't so thick nor so resiliant, and it doesn't take much to divest you of yours.
So if confronted with a knife, I would want to put as much distance between me as possible, then I would want to shoot the assailant. Being unarmed, I'd want to run and sincerely hope I am faster then he is. As a last resort, I'd look to isolate the knife from myself as best as possible, and hope that I am strong enough and capable enough to stop my assailant with a minimum of harm to myself.
In regards to a car, I am both slower and lighter then any car out there. Can't out run it, can't out fight it. Best hope is to outmanuever it. Even if I could "take out" the operator, it still poses a threat.
My point with all of this is that it matters not what you are attacked with, only that you are attacked, and that you can respond appropriately.
Madbringer said:
That's you. But the truth is, most people who decide that it's killing time neither fear the prison, nor have moral breaks to stop them from committing acts of violence.
Thats true, and I agree with you. That is why it is reasonable that I should be capable of defending myself from such people.
Madbringer said:
Now, i would never be scared of a man without a gun, as i would be of a man with a gun. You tell me, is that irrational? Even if i know that man can kill me in a thousand of different ways? I can probably defend myself better against those thousand different ways. I don't have any means to defend myself against bullets, however. That's the scary thing, that's why i think guns are so much more dangerous then a knife or a car, that's why i think people who own a gun are, simply, scary.
See above, re: knives. It is not irrational to be more afraid of an armed man then an unarmed man when that man wants to inflict harm on you. It is irrational to be unafraid of a man with the intent to inflict harm on you, just because he is unarmed.
You then go on to make a critical logical failure:
I am afraid of being shot.
My neighbor owns a gun.
Therefore he is likely to shoot me.
That works along the lines of:
Pitbulls are dogs that can kill people.
My neighbor owns a dog.
Therefore I will get killed by the neighbor's dog.
You can be justifiably afraid of criminals. Criminals can own guns. That does not make all gun owners criminals. If I put a scalpel in your hand, that doesn't make you a surgeon. It also doesn't make you a serial killer.
Madbringer said:
I've never killed a person (not to my knowledge, anyway), i did however, bruise several up pretty bad (and was beaten myself, i'm no superman.
I've never been actually pushed to my limits, so i don't know where they lie. I wanted to kill people several times in my life, but never actually did anything towards that goal.
I'm over thirty, and my fighting days are long over. I generally try to settle my disputes with words, or failing that, with a timely exit. I don't beat people up to make my point, and I don't want to be beaten up to have a point made upon me. I greatly prefer to be prevailed upon by reason. A firearm is my last resort, when reason has failed, my escape is unlikely, and harm is going to be inflicted on me.
I want to kill tonnes of people as well, on a day to day basis, so I know how you feel. Somehow, though, I have managed to avoid carrying it out despite all the implements at my disposal.
Madbringer said:
And that's the thing. I'm normally a very calm, slightly introverted person, and even i wanted to end someone's life at one point. I also know not everyone is so calm, and some of these people have guns. And how can i know where their limits are? I'm not really all that paranoic, but it makes me uneasy.
I'm normally a calm and easygoing guy myself. As mentioned above, though, I've wanted to kill a few folks now and then myself. But, since I, like you, am a rational human being, I realize such actions would be both wrong and morally reprehensible. I have a firearm to protect me from such people as cannot make that same distinction.
Madbringer said:
While that is true, i do not think killing a person, even if they intrude your privacy, with intent to harm, baseball bat or some other weapon, should be the default reaction. There are various non-lethal weapons that can incapacitate the intruder.
I am left to believe that you are:
a. A much better judge of character then I am, and
b. An expert in unarmed combat.
In general, when someone intrudes on my privacy with the intent to do harm, I have a difficult time telling if the guy coming at me with the bat is going to kill me or just give me an ass-beating.
Also, although I am 6'0 and 230 lbs and in reasonably good shape for a middle-aged man, I doubt I am good enough to disarm and incapacitate the bat-weilding nut job in unarmed combat. At least, I'd hate to take the risk involved in finding out that I am wrong.
I have yet to find a non-lethal weapon capable of incapacitating the bat wielding nut-job that is available for widespread use. Having been sprayed with OC, I can assure you that though irritating in the extreme, I can still beat the living hell out of you with a baseball bat with my eyes teared up and trailing snot out of my nose. Tasers are great, but they aren't widely available to the civilian populace, you get one shot with which to hit your assailant. Stun guns require physical proximity to the assailant, which I would like to avoid as much as possible.
Madbringer said:
Of course, as i wrote in response to Paladin Solo already, and as i agreed with him, taking guns away from citizens cannot do any actual good. It's only my personal opinion that guns in a productive society should be completely obsolete, wielded by only a selected few.
Believe it or not, there are several places in the US where only law enforcement officers are allowed to own guns, and where the citizens enjoy very high-tech security features including 24-hour surveillance and a cadre of armed guards. These are US Supermax prisons.
The inmate population is carefully searched any number of times in a day, as are their living quarters. Everybody is equal in the sense that they are all incarcerated, and have meals and healthcare provided for them by the state. In the event of conflict between two citizens, the state should be there to serve as mediator immediately.
And yet, the human criminal shows an incredible ability to improvise a weapon. That way, when he gets into conflict with another inmate, physical attributes and abilities do not always prevail. In the absense of firearms, improvised knives become the implement of choice.
So a US Supermax Prison does it's utmost to insure the safety of all personnel, to the detriment of any personal liberties an inmate may have. And yet, the Supermax Prison is one of the most violent places one could ever have the misfortune to be in.
Granted, a prison is filled with people who do not fit the definition of reasonable and productive members of society. But they came from society, and many of them go back to it.
I am going to take a moment and say that I believe I understand the points you are trying to make. Your primary concern is that guns make it easy to kill, and that combined with poor impulse control, gun possession leads to a disproportionate number of gun killings. We both agree that people with poor impulse control should not own firearms. We disagree in that I believe people with good impulse control should own firearms, and should have the right to protect themselves against the bad.
Gun Control is a fairly broad topic. We are talking about the right to own and the right to use. There are three legitimate reasons to use a gun - to hunt, for sport, and for self defense. Of the legitimate reasons, the one people get caught up in the most is on the right of self defense.
You believe the state will protect you from others, and that you will minimize that need by eliminating guns from the civilian populace. I believe that our state is far more reactive then proactive, and that eliminating guns limits my ability to defend myself from those that would do me harm by any means.
Madbringer said:
With a few small deviations, like a no for the liberty to wield arms, my beliefs are very close to the ones depicted by the concept of negative liberty, meaning, alienating the individual from government and authority. I still think authority is needed to maintain order, but should focus on improving the standards of society as a whole, not at all by severely restraining the freedom of the society's citizens.
Not as much an "invisible authority", but an authority which does not invade your privacy without really heavy reasons to do so.
We're not so different. We share the same basic concepts of what a government should do. However, I am more liberal then you in regards to the idea that the government should not limit my ability to defend myself in a reasonable manner and with just cause. Also, I do not believe that your right to avoid all possible harm should be asserted over my right to possess and use things without an undue risk of harm.
Madbringer said:
JohnnyEgo said:
Then you'd be hoping for some other guy with a gun to take me out before I took you out. Ouroboros.
Ehehe. You have me there. I cannot, however, tell you if i'd be grateful or scared of my saviour, or if that would really shake the foundations of my beliefs about guns. Hopefully, i'll never be in a situation when someone kills another person in my defense.
I sincerely hope that neither you nor I will ever find ourselves in such a situation, either. You don't seem like a bad guy, and you might even enjoy competitive shooting if you tried it.