Gun Control

I haven't seen any of them quote him, but it is kind of interesting. I think he really shocked the interviewer; almost like the thought had never even occurred to him until Ice-T mentioned it.

Well yes but I'm not sure if Ice-T is a good example of an average American. He's black, comes from the 'hood', is famous and thus might be more of a target of robbery, has a tough guy image through his music, was affiliated with gangs, etc. The reporter might have expected Ice-T to be more anti-gun since he's black and aware of how most blacks support the Democrats who are more anti-gun then GOP.

There's a lot of Americans living without guns and their numbers are increasing. There are more guns in US society, yes, but they are owned by an ever decreasing number of individuals. A group that I disparagingly refer to as "gun nuts".
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You would probably like the movie The Survivors [starring Robin Williams, Walter Matthau, and Jerry Reed]; It's probably my favorite film by either of them.
(And it's partly about gun-nuts; and becoming one.)

*Firearm ownership is ~quite simply the right to protect one's self; come what may. If the right is naively allowed to be stripped away, then one loses the right to protect one's self; come what may.

**This actually happened to many [thousands?] during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, where their right to protect themselves in what amounted to a veritable and nearly lawless wasteland ~at the time, was taken from them at semi-automatic rifle point, by the police and national guard.

I recall the story of when the news anchor Dan Rather had a break in at his house; he went downstairs with a shotgun, pumped it ~and that was enough to scare them off. Had he not had the means to protect his home, the Police could have found him deceased, injured, or in the very least robbed.

The problem is not guns (or gun-nuts ~as you choose to call people), the problem is with the margin of people that are just plain nuts to begin with.
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*Firearm ownership is ~quite simply the right to protect one's self; come what may. If the right is naively allowed to be stripped away, then one loses the right to protect one's self; come what may.

Guess it comes with the specific culture and history (along with what ever else might affect it), but it does kinda tell about the state of the society, how volatile the air potentially is, that people would think this is a common sense thought in their daily lives ("I need a gun to protect myself") and even necessary in order to preserve ones safety.

It's not my place to say whether it's a good or bad thing, or right or wrong, but it does ring a bit strange from here that this state of matters is something that's wanted (and needed?) preserved.
*Firearm ownership is ~quite simply the right to protect one's self; come what may. If the right is naively allowed to be stripped away, then one loses the right to protect one's self; come what may.
This makes no sense.

The US has much more gun owners and yet much more gun related homicides then Australia, which has a lot less gun owners. Either the problem lies at rampant gun ownership OR the large amount of nuts willing to kill others with guns, which shows a failure of the US government to try deter them.
When guns rights are stripped, the only people that have them are the police and the lawless; guess who the victims are in that state of affairs.

This makes no sense.

The US has much more gun owners and yet much more gun related homicides then Australia, which has a lot less gun owners. Either the problem lies at rampant gun ownership OR the large amount of nuts willing to kill others with guns, which shows a failure of the US government to try deter them.
I would assume that a country with more cars has a lot more traffic accidents too; and more flat tires. The percentage difference in population is vast. [23:389 mil]
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When guns rights are stripped, the only people that have them are the police and the lawless; guess who the victims are in that state of affairs.
Do I have to KEEP SAYING IT?

That makes no sense, because Australia has strict gun laws and YET it has a lot less gun related homicides in comparison to America, which has a high amount of gun ownership. Places that have their gun rights stripped away usually have a lot less gun murders (there are exceptions, such as Mexico which suffers from cartels, corruption and crime) then the US, even though they have no 'protection'.
Does the choice of weapon really matter? (And do you count self defense against one's attacker as gun violence?)
Nope, but the stats show that America, for all it's 'protection' has a really high gun homicide rate in comparison to other western countries.
Adjusted for population?
(For that matter and Education, and relative wealth, poverty and/or job availability?)
why do you keep pretending it's crazy people.

well all know who it's is, stop pretending you don't.
Don't tell me, the Black-Latino Zionist Illuminati?

However it is true that Blacks and Latino communities suffer from high crime rates and high drug abuse rates.
why do you keep pretending it's crazy people.

well all know who it's is, stop pretending you don't.
Why do you think it is not? Did you see Omega Man? [with Heston in it :lol:, by coincidence]
If you live in a place where people will rob you, the thought of a means of self defense seems far less crazy... You cannot call a police officer [to bring their gun] with no phone on a dark street (or in your own house) in the space of a few minutes, to protect you.
Why do you think it is not? Did you see Omega Man? [with Heston in it :lol:, by coincidence]
If you live in a place where people will rob you, the thought of a means of self defense seems far less crazy... You cannot call a police officer [to bring their gun] with no phone on a dark street (or in your own house) in the space of a few minutes, to protect you.
Why not try to stop that kind of crime happening before it happens?
Why not try to stop that kind of crime happening before it happens?
Why not curse the wind, and command it to stop? [It's equally futile, and beyond the control of any one or any hundred; and some people just want to see the world burn... It's digging a hole in a sand dune, until everyone has no reason to covet.]
Why not curse the wind, and command it to stop? [It's equally futile, and beyond the control of any one or any hundred; and some people just want to see the world burn... It's digging a hole in a sand dune, until everyone has no reason to covet.]
Except it works in limited cases.

Preemptive incarceration....

I like it.
Me too, now only to find a method that WON'T seem like government oppression...

We have states with a bigger population than your whole country.
Yes and?