Deleted member 93956
The infamous @Verg.
Oh wow, nevermind I actually agree with most of what you just said here.
Sorry I was being a bit presumptuous about your motives, it's just that we've had a few weird users here over the years like @Vergil and @IlluminatiConfirmed who self-assuredly claimed to know what the cause of crime was, and ended up having strange views about race.
Was pleasantly surprised to see that you actually had a very progressive viewpoint here.
Sorry, I didn't intend to place a political label on you. I know that "Progressive" has come to be used interchangeably with liberal.I have never called myself a progressive and never plan to. I am, depending on who you ask, an evil rightwing nazi, a classical liberal, an insane anarchist or (my personal favorite because I gave it to myself) a remarkably sane insane person
There are large areas of Finland that don't have quick police presence available. People still don't buy guns there for 'self protection' or whatever. Yes, they complain and when, because of right wing induced budget cuts, they have to reduce the number of cops or police stations in some area, it's not a good situation and some people will have lesser protection against crime. Then again we have overall lower levels of crime compared to US so no need for every man, woman, baby, gramps to prepare 24/7/365 to an all out blast out/OK Corrall.
US has more problems than shitty-ass gun laws, they also have very high crime figures. Before they can kick out the nazi-ass right wingers they will continue to be a high-crime/high gun violence -nation that endlessly tries to solve societal problems by using guns as a kind of half-ass bandage that just makes the problems worse.
Yeah, our problem is so many people actually want to come here, unlike Finland.
I actually find the comparison between Finland and the USA absolutely fucking hilarious and absurd. Eurochauvinism, perhaps?
The most common Euro comment on guns is "Hey it's not violent here in Latveria where Doctor Doom controls with his iron cock of Progressive Justice."
I'm sure he'd probably stroke his cock to stories of Simo Hayha even as he lambastes us for having too many guns. Wonder how Simo would have done with a pocketknife instead? Hmmm.
Simo Hawha is not amused.
Yeah sorry about thatI think you mean 5.56 mm, because 7.62 mm NATO is based on the .308 and they're nearly identical. .
I will definitely say that I agree with that point. When I was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia it was during a stay in a mental health ward at a hospital due to a particularly bad psychotic break. And as I said before, I'm very open about my issues because I believe that the best way to fight stigma is through honesty and education; but you can see that that stigma is still there when you tell people.the best thing about the gungrabbers is how they sideline the issue of mental health care accessibility and stigma in favor of "SKURRY GUNZ BABY KILLING AK47s ASSAULT WEAPONS" drivel.
After reconsidering, I have actually changed my opinion on this topic somewhat.
I'm not very comfortable with the idea of guns as a casual thing that people just parade around like it's nothing. I think that many people have lost their lives in attacks with weapons like these, and it would probably be a lot better for the state of minds of people who knew victims of attacks if the gun crowd was maybe a little more tactful about how they parade around their weapons.
I think we ought to consider that many people in rural parts of the US where the police can't reach, or in communities that have traditionally had trouble with the police may not be able to rely on the police to protect them, and in such situations we need to have them able to protect themselves.
In addition, I know that the "government tyranny" argument may seem ridiculous, but there is some legitimacy to the claim: Take the Zapatistas of Mexico for instance, it's been 20 years since they first declared war on the Mexican government and they are still alive and kicking, mostly due to them being heavily armed. It'd be foolish to assume that western nations are immune to corruption and tyranny, so I don't blame people for wanting to prepare for the worst.
I'm incredibly uncomfortable with the mass shootings that take place so often, and I totally see the legitimacy of wanting stricter gun control, however I kinda think we need a more centrist approach, that respects some people may need to protect themselves a lot more than we admit.
You realise that the US is very right wing compared to the rest of the world right?
Most Democrat politicians would be considered centrists in a lot of countries if they spouted the same policies.
And when mass shootings happen, you want the civilians with guns to have better guns than the shooter, to increase their chances at taking the shooter out before the shooter kills everyone.