Gun Runners' Arsenal and Courier's Stash released on Steam

WelcomeToNewReno said:
Didn't every other dlc add enough unarmed weapons for you, Walpknut? We got the Bear Trap Fist, the Yao Guai Gauntlet, Saturnite Power Fists,The Industrial Hand, and a Deathclaw Gauntlet. All of these are quite powerful. I would've died on the elvator fight without my Industrial Hand.
Haven't played either Lonesome Road or Old World Blues, but still there are too little unarmed weapons. Unlss some charitable soul donates them *wink wink, nudge nudge* I will have t wait two months.
You'd love the Saturnite Power Fist from OWB. If you just do regular punches, you'll go crazy fast. And if you upgrade it with the toaster, there's a chance you'll set your opponet on fire.