Gun Runners' Arsenal Details

Well I did buy some Keys from the Man co. store once for team fortress 2.....I doubt buying these 2 DLC will compare to that misadventure in money management.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Given Sawyer's response I think that this is more or less what will happen. Gun Runners will probably stock only EW mods initially and will start having the weapons only if the Van Graffs are killed. I think. It would make sense.

This indeed makes sense, especially as the Van Graffs can die, the Gun Runners shop can not. So if it works like that, I'd be fine with it.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
KillgoreKillmore said:
I'm more interested in picking up the Courier's stash and in part it seems ridiculous that they even force you to pay for the addon's from GRA.

I feel the opposite. Not only you have to pay for stuff they were giving away for free, but it's all equipment that becomes useless very fast.

I buyed NV with the pre-order Caravan Pack, but today I play without it. The pre-orders make the game beginning too much easier for my tastes after you are used to the gameplay mechanics.
Talk about wasting money hun, I buy it and don't use it. :cool:
I already see the van graffs getting murdered many times after that dlc.

I'm looking forward to more information, especially concerning more guns.

And I think it is somewhat a nice move to bring out a DLC like that, simply a big weapon pack to add to the games arsenal, many games could have used something like that.

The main question for me how many of them are actually new weapons rather than This machine->Garand-Versions.
brfritos said:
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
KillgoreKillmore said:
I'm more interested in picking up the Courier's stash and in part it seems ridiculous that they even force you to pay for the addon's from GRA.
I feel the opposite. Not only you have to pay for stuff they were giving away for free, but it's all equipment that becomes useless very fast.
I buyed NV with the pre-order Caravan Pack, but today I play without it. The pre-orders make the game beginning too much easier for my tastes after you are used to the gameplay mechanics.

It's not less ridiculous that you have to pay for the Courier's stash, they're pretty minute too.

Plus I just don't get the use of pre-order packs. They rarely improve the gameplay. I got a preorder code and gave it away. I never like pre-order goodies.
Indeed. I got the Caravan pre-order pack, and it gives me a light leather armour and 'sturdy caravan shotgun': game unbalanced right from the start.
Unholy6 said:
Well I did buy some Keys from the Man co. store once for team fortress 2.....I doubt buying these 2 DLC will compare to that misadventure in money management.

I have got to stop doing that but those crates look so pretty.

Gotta admit I'll probably buy it, just to sate my curiosity and I'm one of those collecter types when the mood takes me.
Brother None said:
Plus I just don't get the use of pre-order packs. They rarely improve the gameplay. I got a preorder code and gave it away. I never like pre-order goodies.

At times I have the feeling they actually break it.
I am definately looking forward to GRA. I haven't killed the Van Graffs simply because they are the only decent energy weapon vendors in the game. Back in Fallout 1 the Gun Runners dealt all kinds of weapons, including laser and plasma. So if GRA makes it so that killing the Van Graffs lets the Gun Runners move in on their turf and sell energy weapons, I'm definately in favour of that.

"Recycler mods, to lower operating costs, are available for both weapons."

It would be awesome if the recycler mod for the plasma pistol recuced its ammo consumption from 2 ammo per shot to 1 ammo per shot.

(I'm hoping that they haven't just gone for the lazy option of it being the same as the Laser RCW and every fourth shot being free.)

The optimized energy cells sounds great - its true that energy ammo is too damn heavy, especially with weapons like the multiplas using 3 ammo per shot or the gauss rifle using 5 ammo per shot. That's half a pound of ammo per shot.

I'll probably mod the game so that ALL energy ammo has the reduced weight of optimized energy ammo. The 30% more damage, armour penetration and mild weapon degredation is enough to make it superior to overcharge or maxcharge ammo anyway.

The automatic recharger pistol sounds rather overpowered. I'm all in favour of more automatic energy weapons, but the recharger pistol is already a powerful beast that makes the standard laser pistol completely redundant.

Laser pistol combat sights - its a shame they didn't just include that in one of the free patches for the game. Each weapon can have a maximum of 3 weapon mods, so having one just be ironsights is a bit lame. (And I use EVE and WME mods that already give me cool holographic sights on my lasers.)

Focus Optics for laser pistol and magnetic accelerator for plasma pistol... not very imaginative, both WME and WMX mods do that. But then I guess that's because they are sensible upgrades.

The High-Energy Ionizer for the plasma pistol sounds like the Injection Amplifier mod for the plasma pistol in WME, gives it +5 damage which brings it up to the damage level of the plasma defender. Still completely inferior though, given that the plasma defender has a much higher rate of fire. I wonder if GRA's high energy ionizer will give an even larger damage boost to the plasma pistol, it would have to be pretty damn powerful to make it worth using instead of a plasma defender. If we're talking +10 damage or something, now we're talking!

The cleansing flame sounds brilliant, "a high capacity Flamer with superior base damage, longer range, and a burn effect that improves with the user’s skill." I'll want to add that burn effect script to all the flame weapons in fact. It's rather stupid that an ordinary flamer does 128 damge per second when you are hitting someone with the flame, but then afterwards when they are on fire they only take 2 damage per second for 5 seconds. Really? Being on fire is just 2 damage per second? In hardcore mode there are types of food and drink that heal faster than you can be burned alive! Having the burn damage increase proportional to your weapon skill, now that's nice.
Brother None said:
Plus I just don't get the use of pre-order packs. They rarely improve the gameplay. I got a preorder code and gave it away. I never like pre-order goodies.

Depends on the pre-order. Caravan pack has the nifty lightweight leather armor, it's the best light armor DT x weigh correlation if you have FNV without the DLCs, only surpassed by the Space Suit.
When using light armor I pretty much ignored the leather reinforced, adding more weigh for only 2DT was not good enough, specially in the beginning where everything weigh tons.

I pretty much played with this armor until level 20, then I switch to Combat Reinforced MkII. Today I don't use medium/heavy armor, they weigh tons and slow you down like a turtle.
But they are "cool"... :roll:

Sure, you have the DLCs now but before them the only way to increase your armor DT was switching classes or picking the paper amor from Vault 34.
Interesting that before the DLCs the best light armors in the game where the ones weared by legionnaries.
When I first heard of the "Smitty Special", my thoughts were:
"Wait, Smitty upgrades plasma rifles to turbo plasma rifles, right? aren't the plasma blast on the caster fast enough?"
Then I read this. Then my thoughts were:
"Oh, this makes sense. I guess. I wonder how many people will get that name, anyway?"
Brother None said:
Plus I just don't get the use of pre-order packs. They rarely improve the gameplay. I got a preorder code and gave it away. I never like pre-order goodies.

The Use? Well, for the publisher the use is that it's more sales since it's an inexpensive promotional ploy. For the retailer it's more sales that HAVE to go through that retailer. As for the end user...

It depends on the game. In some games, the preorder content does fill a specific gameplay niche. Look at Deus Ex: Human Revolution, where preorder packs included ingame quest content and consumable items that'd bypass the usual unlocking procedure. in others, like New Vegas, it's almost purely aesthetic.

But even the aesthetic can be a lure. I can't really speak to the appeal of the other packs, since they didn't really grab me, but The Classic Pack tugged on my nostalgiafag heartstrings and got me to preorder. It doesn't really matter that the Weathered 10mm and Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit are pretty well obsolete before I reach Primm. What matters is that the aesthetic is cool, and therefore appealing, and exclusive.
OakTable said:

More details. This shows mainly GRA versions of old weapons that can now be modded and a unique 10mm SMG.

We have a news submission function on the website BLRAH ARGH URGH.
WorstUsernameEver said:
OakTable said:

More details. This shows mainly GRA versions of old weapons that can now be modded and a unique 10mm SMG.

We have a news submission function on the website BLRAH ARGH URGH.
We won't, no compulsion, it's just preferable to submit news rather than just post in random threads, especially since reports are easy to check quick while a newposter may not always have time to check through threads.