gun runner's arsenal your thoughts?

Getting GRA:

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Hassknecht said:
I already have a Winchester City Killer, a Wattz 2000, a Bozar and all the other Fallout 1/2/Tactics weapon.
I'll wait what the DLC contains, then I'll decide if I want to spend money on it.

Except the Bozar on Nexus is only "a little overpowered", isn't? :roll:

390 DPS + 130 DAM?
brfritos said:
Except the Bozar on Nexus is only "a little overpowered", isn't? :roll:

390 DPS + 130 DAM?

2 minute geck change, and 1:50 would be what it takes to load the geck.

Trust me, If I can figure out the geck, anyone can. Plus all the tutorials googleable.
I just checked the Vault, and saw that there's going to be a Katana. I don't care if it's recycled from 3, I never got Zeta anyway. (I'd given up on 3 being a Fallout game by that point)
It's perfect for my stealth based, bladed melee weapons only character, whom I've decided to make a Ninja.
mobucks said:
brfritos said:
Except the Bozar on Nexus is only "a little overpowered", isn't? :roll:

390 DPS + 130 DAM?

2 minute geck change, and 1:50 would be what it takes to load the geck.

Trust me, If I can figure out the geck, anyone can. Plus all the tutorials googleable.

Except you will be doing this for 99% of the weapons (or armors) at Nexus, the majority is extremelly overpowered.

If you really think about it, based on your statement, GRA is a godsend, hun?
Why do people want a goddam katana?

there is pretty much no reason for it to exist in this game at all, other than to pacify the weeaboos who populate Nexus with stupid anime models and skimpy anime clothing and fucking furries.

the target audience for it can already get that crap in all of the many mods they create to add stupid items that don't fit the setting.

Go play final fantasy and stop fucking up fallout with your japanophile garbage. seriously.
Well the Bumper Sword already exists in the vanilla game, an it is pretty much a RPG Buster sword, I would prefer a long knife, like Machete's Jumbo machete.
whirlingdervish said:
Why do people want a goddam katana?

there is pretty much no reason for it to exist in this game at all, other than to pacify the weeaboos who populate Nexus with stupid anime models and skimpy anime clothing and fucking furries.

the target audience for it can already get that crap in all of the many mods they create to add stupid items that don't fit the setting.

Go play final fantasy and stop fucking up fallout with your japanophile garbage. seriously.


I will never understand peoples liking of Japanese media. It reeks of a 12 year old kid jumping up and down going (AM I COOL YET PLEASE TELL ME IM COOL) Instead of doing their own thing
Sabirah said:
whirlingdervish said:
Why do people want a goddam katana?

there is pretty much no reason for it to exist in this game at all, other than to pacify the weeaboos who populate Nexus with stupid anime models and skimpy anime clothing and fucking furries.

the target audience for it can already get that crap in all of the many mods they create to add stupid items that don't fit the setting.

Go play final fantasy and stop fucking up fallout with your japanophile garbage. seriously.


I will never understand peoples liking of Japanese media. It reeks of a 12 year old kid jumping up and down going (AM I COOL YET PLEASE TELL ME IM COOL) Instead of doing their own thing


The ignorance amuses me so.
I don't see how Katanas would be worse at setting breaking than crossbows. You can make swords out of melted metal and a handle out of plastic (a cheap one) so they don't seem to be that out there and ilogical for a wastelander to make, and this are the Gun Runners we are talking about. I want to see more junk weapons, like that Street sing club.
Normally, I wouldn't mind them throwing some fancy samurai-sword into the game, if only for the Six-String Samurai reference.

But I think we could have gotten something better in its place. Twenty-seven isn't a huge number, and if half of that is just GRA versions of pre-existing weapons, and fancy baka gaijin nonsense...well, it's not looking too good!
whirlingdervish said:
Why do people want a goddam katana?

there is pretty much no reason for it to exist in this game at all, other than to pacify the weeaboos who populate Nexus with stupid anime models and skimpy anime clothing and fucking furries.

the target audience for it can already get that crap in all of the many mods they create to add stupid items that don't fit the setting.

Go play final fantasy and stop fucking up fallout with your japanophile garbage. seriously.

I like hentais that involves tentacles and "magic girl something" or "hell knight that".
Does this count? :P
If I have to pay money for it, no thanks. Free weapon mods on the Nexus don't thrill me. Why should I pay money for an "official" gun pack? You can already get mods that unlock all the FO3 weapons still in the game code, as well as high powered weapons of every imaginable sort. This is rubbish.
Faceless Stranger said:
I really just want a city-killer and a decent. lore friendly assault rifle that's not that assault carbine shit.

Me too, but I'm not holding my breath. This is Sawyer's baby, and I wouldn't be surprised if that guy is the reason the Mojave wasteland was littered with M4s in the first place.
Faceless Stranger said:
I really just want a city-killer and a decent. lore friendly assault rifle that's not that assault carbine shit.
The classic Fallout weapons mod has a City Killer. It's the main reason I use that mod, anyway :D
It's almost overpowered, but then again, it was one of the most powerful normal weapons in Fallout, too...
Anyway, it feels damn satisfying.
Too bad that mod does not include the AK112. I would love that thing.