

Vault Fossil
My friend loaned it to me and I just cleared it. Pretty baddass but way too short. Overall it was great - especially if you like westerns. Worth checking out.
Wow...yet another over-hyped console release that focuses more on graphics, token features, and less on gameplay longevity.


I am waiting for publishers to figure out that the more time you spend on graphics and cheesy trend items, the less time you have to make an actual game worth the $50+ you are charging people for it.
I was looking to buy the game Gun but when I gave the game a second look before taking it to the counter, I saw outstanding graphics and features...

Then in thinking about similar games with excellent graphics (especially console games) but seriously lacking gameplay depth or longevity (Fable & Halo2). In the end I bought Need for Speed Most Wanted, which surprisingly has some level of depth and excellent graphical quality.

When will anyone actually create a game with killer graphics and superb gameplay?? No games come straight to mind however...

The Duckman
Just won it for a tenner on eBay. I am aware of the game's problems, but i have fancied something like this for a while, what ever it's lenght. Anyway, for a tenner, i can't expect to much, only to be impressed really.
Just like i said.... longevity problems ( worst of all) but overall a pretty badass western game. check it out (preferably for free)
I was actually thinking that if short games didn't cost as much as long ones, they'd actually be a lot of fun. If someone were to publish something like a serial it'd be pretty neat... $20 bucks for 6 hour game, with the knowledge that there would be another installment out in the next couple of months.
citizenkhan said:
I was actually thinking that if short games didn't cost as much as long ones, they'd actually be a lot of fun. If someone were to publish something like a serial it'd be pretty neat... $20 bucks for 6 hour game, with the knowledge that there would be another installment out in the next couple of months.
Not a bad idea, but then there will be sequel after sequel and I am sure everyone knows that after the second installment of a game that it often goes downhill. And the general public will eventually get sick of having to buy the next installment a few months after the first/second/third/.... is released

However, it would bring some serious profit to the console company and the developers by having a series of games, especially if the publishers hit an awesome genre of gaming and release some killer games...

The Duckman
citizenkhan said:
I was actually thinking that if short games didn't cost as much as long ones, they'd actually be a lot of fun. If someone were to publish something like a serial it'd be pretty neat... $20 bucks for 6 hour game, with the knowledge that there would be another installment out in the next couple of months.

This would actually work VERY well, and development like that usually originates around Shareware mentality. So they can't fuck up the formula and gameplay for the sequels, as then they wouldn't have the audience. $20 means a lot more people are going to play your game than if it was marked higher, so it would infer more feedback and ability for it to spread through word of mouth, and gifts by impressed current game players.

Kind of like how Serious Sam was designed, and for $20 neither of them are a bad shooter at all.
Robot Santa said:
citizenkhan said:
I was actually thinking that if short games didn't cost as much as long ones, they'd actually be a lot of fun. If someone were to publish something like a serial it'd be pretty neat... $20 bucks for 6 hour game, with the knowledge that there would be another installment out in the next couple of months.

This would actually work VERY well, and development like that usually originates around Shareware mentality. So they can't fuck up the formula and gameplay for the sequels, as then they wouldn't have the audience. $20 means a lot more people are going to play your game than if it was marked higher, so it would infer more feedback and ability for it to spread through word of mouth, and gifts by impressed current game players.

Kind of like how Serious Sam was designed, and for $20 neither of them are a bad shooter at all.
Mmmm, point taken, but personally I wouldn't buy the newest version of the game when I could just wait for my mates to finish it and then just borrow it off them. Call me a tight arse but I seriously don't think the shareware mentality would work as well as expected on the consoles.

The Duckman
duckman said:
Mmmm, point taken, but personally I wouldn't buy the newest version of the game when I could just wait for my mates to finish it and then just borrow it off them. Call me a tight arse but I seriously don't think the shareware mentality would work as well as expected on the consoles.

The Duckman

Yeah but whats the difference between sharing small games and sharing for regular games?
[PCE said:
el_Prez]Yeah but whats the difference between sharing small games and sharing for regular games?

The delay between your friend buying it and you playing?
yeah but you share games no matter what. I mean if your cheap enough (not judging anyone, i'm cheaper than hell when it comes to games) you'll wait for your friends to buy all the games and then just borrow them when their done; no matther if their regular full price games or shorter 20$ games.
The problem with making games with good graphics for 20 bucks is that it takes lots of money and man hours to make those games, therefore the game is going to cost a lot to make. Which basically means that the game is going to cost 50 bucks. What a dilemna.
Okay, now i'm pissed off! I battle my way through a brilliant game, building myself up for a final battle with Magruder. Seriously. i have done EVERYTHING. I get to him and... OH LOOK, A NICE CLASSIC BOSS BATTLE CENTERING SOLELY AROUND TIMING! I meen come on, with a game like this i was at least expecting them to have the decency to allow me a nice, good, extremely hard gun fight. Now I get this Metal Gear Solid shit! Did anyone else feel cheated?
The Commissar said:

Scalping is also entirely pointless. I scalped the entire population of 2 towns, a ranch, a bandit hideout, and a fort to no avail.

You'd think I could at least keep track of my truly epic collection of scalps, but no. I couldn't even sell them, or throw them at people as I rode past them. Or give them names and discuss the coming Revolution with them over a cup of tea.
Behold, I am a necromancer!

I found this game in the ultra-bargain bin at Walmart. I can't say I'm too impressed so far. The controls are horrible -- laughable, actually. It's got WASD movement, but if you rotate the camera so it's in front of your character, the left and right reverse. The PC can be turning left, and if you rotate the camera just enough he stops turning left and starts turning right even though you haven't stopped pressing the controls. :mrgreen:

Why are the controls linked to the camera? No one can say.

For the little I paid, I'm not disappointed.

Any mods I should know about?
Crni Vuk said:
yeah, awesome thread necromancy ... for a min I thought Rosh was back :shock:
That's one of the reasons I thought this would be a good corpse reanimation. :)

I've seen people complaining about newer console games and how they're rife with "handholding" when it comes to the missions. This is the first game I've ever played that's like that, and I can really see why people don't like it. It feels like I'm playing with a toy meant for five-year-olds.

When I have an active mission, there's a huge red mark on the "radar" pointing me in the right direction, there's a big box with an arrow hovering over the NPC I'm supposed to talk to, and every few seconds a big banner flashes on top of the screen telling me what I'm supposed to be doing. "Help the sheriff defeat the bandits," for example.

To describe it as patronizing is to be far too kind.

The best part so far has been the Texas Hold 'em poker tournament subgame in the saloon. It's too easy, but it's still kinda fun.
To be honest, I have fond memories of this game. I played it on an Xbox or PS2 (been too long, don't remember) and I didn't find the controls to be that bad. I thought it was one of the few decent westerners available at the time.