Ever heard of this one ?
Ever heard of the "Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum .338" ? It's the sniper rifle used in the dutch army. It comes with a special australian made barrel and a Schmidt & Bender 10x24 telescopic sight. It uses (you might already guessed it) an .338 FMJ Lock Base bullet. Lock base means that its closed at the back, because when you fire the thing the pressure would make the lead melt. You must chamber the bullets manually with this rifle, because that makes it more accurate.
Ever heard of the "Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum .338" ? It's the sniper rifle used in the dutch army. It comes with a special australian made barrel and a Schmidt & Bender 10x24 telescopic sight. It uses (you might already guessed it) an .338 FMJ Lock Base bullet. Lock base means that its closed at the back, because when you fire the thing the pressure would make the lead melt. You must chamber the bullets manually with this rifle, because that makes it more accurate.