Guns and what has been wrong with them

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Ever heard of this one ?

Ever heard of the "Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum .338" ? It's the sniper rifle used in the dutch army. It comes with a special australian made barrel and a Schmidt & Bender 10x24 telescopic sight. It uses (you might already guessed it) an .338 FMJ Lock Base bullet. Lock base means that its closed at the back, because when you fire the thing the pressure would make the lead melt. You must chamber the bullets manually with this rifle, because that makes it more accurate.
Ya im about 85-95 percent accurate

my icq is 64732577. Check out my drawing in the Ex. Equip Slot

Sean "Minigun" Tomoc
RE: from the snipers page:

i found a nice sniper called SVD,
The SVD (Snayperskaya Vinyokvka Dragunov), is a very heavily modified Kalishnikov AK-47,

and this old militery sniper, been in HL:Opposing Forse and Delta Force, called Remington M40A6, it's crappy and have a slow loading process with only 5 bullets per magazine and u have to mnualy load each bullet, anyway, i love this old rifle.

further info in:
RE: wow look! we got miroslav's attention!

I played Jagged1 i think, is it that game with Fidel and Ice and Snake (the charecter names), or there's a new one?
when you have wait a full "day" antill you can save the game?
the game that you have to play on turn antill all the enemies are dead?
wow! that's a flash back, that game was nice but lame in many ways, i never even passd the half of the world map.
is that Jagged Aliance 1 or 2 ?
RE: error sorry

Well, I don't know too much about sniper rifles (not much battlefield use. Offensive use anyway)But I'd like to see something with a drednought stock. Those are cool. Get rid of the miniguns. It's way too unrealistic. That minigun that Jessie the Body Ventura had in predator, wasn't real. They mount those on helicopters, and they slow them down almost to the point of hover when they fire them! How would a human realisticaly shoot on and remain standing? The engergy weapons are a nice touch though. I like em, cause it is in the future. I'd like to see the H&K USP MK.45 Now that is a great gun. ::drools on self::
No way!

Miniguns are awesome (not to realistic yes but that is besides the point) Maybe if they where to make this game a slight more realistic they should have the more stockier small miniguns (Vindicator) for Humans and the Larger and Longer (Original and Avenger) for Mutants.

Sean "MINIGUN" Tomoc
RE: No way!

Mini guns evil. Besides, they don't even do a realistic ammount of damage. I can't think of anything that could stand up to that rate of fire.
RE: No way!

they dont realy do the enought mount of demege ull expect them to (what realy can stand a 50 bullets fire burst?!) but i dont like the new ones (vindicator, avenger). in fo1 i hade a great feeling when i got those, and they didthe right demege for me...
now we got 2 new ones, and they don't seem to be better.
Miniguns and realism

I heard something about miniguns being fired by individuals, but who says the miniguns they use on helicopters and personal miniguns are the same ? Talking about realism, who would stand up against a bursting SMG anyway ? The amount of bullets my charcter took in f2 would have caused lead poisening (if he survived ten or more bullets in the arms, legs, etc.) Maybe realism goes a bit too far on this messageboard. I mean a GECK ? How could one suitcase create a liveable environment out a piece of radiation filled wasteland ? Realism is okay, but some things are just fun !
RE: Miniguns and realism

you got a point. My Favorite Setup in Fallout 2 is Blade Runner Pistol and Bozar. With Enclave Armor. My other Buddies had the biggest guns i could give e'm. Marcus with avenger, Vic with FN FAL (Night Sight), Sulik HK something (forgot), Ghoul Buddy (Forgot his name) Grease Gun, The Deathclaw had his claws, if i had the geek (i forgot his name i left him with his needler pistol, i tryed to have everyone use different ammo so i could give them the one they needed without jipping someone else off. I need to play Fallout 2 i havent played it in 9-6 months cause i havent been able to get it to work and when i asked for help no one has giving it to me.

P.S. Sorry for ranting

Sean "Minigun" Tomoc

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Sean "Minigun" Tomoc
RE: 30mm

this is a god damn hevy gear!
i would like the Israeli Mag 15mm to be too, we use it on tanks
RE: Kalashnikov

The AK-47 (AKM-47, PPK, SPK) would make a great "wastelandish" weapon. I was amazed that it didn't exist in Fallout. Since it is the most widely used assault rifle in the world (or somewhere up there with the FN Fal and the M-16/M-4) one would expect to find some scattered in the desert.
It's also very versatile and you could have modified versions for many types of ammo.
There's the old 7.65mm Russian calibre, the new 7.62 (.30) NATO compatible, the short-round 7.62 with foldable butt for the special forces, and the attempt to make it the ultimate assault rifle, the 5.56 (.223) smoothbore, 30 round magazine version.


PS. Yup, just came back from the army :)
In Eastern Europe.