I am really curious about how all these illegal guns get into the illegal market in the first place.
Are they imported illegally from foreign countries?
Do those Chinese made AK-47s get stolen off ships before they can be changed from automatic to semi-automatic?
Are gun shops so frequently robbed?
Are our military bases so subject to theft of military hardware?
Or is it simply that a gun becomes illegal when it's used for an illegal purpose. Most guns might be bought legally and then used for illegal reasons.
This discussion of a legal market and an illegal market seems a bit more shady and grey than you guys seem to suggest.
Anyway, as to the gun retailers, so what you guys are saying is that -
If you are a neo-nazi- go to the white supremist gun dealer.
If you are member of the Jewish Defense Organization, go to a Zionist dedicated gun store?
If you are a Klans man in the SOuth, well any good ole boy will do?
If you are black only buy from a brother who might just happen to be a member of the Black Panthers?
If every ethnic group has its own source for guns, is that whole "gun owners decide who they sell to" that much of a protective device.
Now add that to this.
Gun dealer- "Let's see, I can sell this Bennelli street sweeper to this obvious gang-banger and allow for a more heavily armed gang culture in my city. Or I can overcome my racial bias, sell this obviously upstanding African American sporting gang colors, and thereby pay for my Daughters new braces.... "
Yeah, let's trust in gun owners self regulating themselves and choosing morality over profit. (Ironically, that idea makes me more willing to buy a gun).
Murdoch- having the feds decides who gets guns would just ruin the fun of it.