Well, I play ironman, very hard, jesawyer and I'd go with energy weapons every time because:
1) EW ammo is interchangable. With efficient recycler perk it also becomes almost unlimited with a workbench handy. When going into Zion, for example, you can take 1 good EW (like the LAER, gatling laser or even RCW) and a decent stack of ammo and need nothing else. Guns can't do this.
2) Max charge and efficient recycler optimized ammo is more readily accessable than guns ammo and you can easily convert it yourself. This means ALL EW ammo you pick up is useful to you, as opposed to guns ammo where probably 80% you pick up is useless to you (until you switch off your guns) Guns ammo is also fundamentally much harder to craft in significant quantities.
3) Science is (IMO) one of the key skills in FO:NV - you need it for so many quests, perks, crafting recipies of course the endless computer terminals. It synergises perfectly with energy weapons.
Since you never really use Energy Weapons in the beginning of the game, I never put any points on it.
I use EW right from the get-go. You start with one if you tag EW! The laser/plasma pistol are solid early game weapons (with mods ideally) and if you're lucky enough to score an RCW (laser tommy gun) early on you're rocking with one of the best close/mid range weapons in the game.
Guns cannot compare to energy weapons in performance at all, they are the poor man's choice of weapons.
Legendary gauss rifle greatly outdoes the anti-materiel rifle, Gatling laser greatly outdoes the minigun, etc.etc. All with a lower str requirement, higher crit chance, and the choice of using max charged ammo for almost double damage per shot(With high armor penetration to boot.).
The lack of diversity in ammo means it's simple, easy and efficient to load up and convert ammo. The biggest problem with Energy weapons is that it's almost imperative that you join the NCR to get the abundance of ammo that you need. Also the weapon decay rate with mc ammo is incredibly high.(Not an issue with Raul as a companion, and there's really no reason to not have Raul as your humanoid choice.)
But if you like investing stats and perks to use weapons that will never be as good as the alternative, just to save some caps on ammo, then go with guns. Otherwise, leave the past behind and upgrade to the weapons of the future.
This I totally agree with. It suprised me to learn through experience that EW's are in fact superior to guns in almost every way except really high DT penetration (which, lets face it - means only means deathclaws) The LAER with MC ammo can slaughter a deathclaw in seconds. It can even handle 2 or 3 DC's if you're a good shot. Combined with turbo and nothing stands a chance.
The gatling laser absolutely slaughters 80% creatures out there as they have little/no DT. Combined with efficient recycler it means you can always rely on having plenty of ammo regardless of how far you are from the nearest vendor.
I've finished the entire game including expansions without dying and one of the key elements was making sure I carried a gatling laser and LAER at all times. You do need a supply of weapon repair kits, however, as both weapons degrade fast.
Having said all this - I do love some guns: namely the light machine gun, minigun and AMR due to the fact that they have such great action.