Guy does some awesome Fallout 3 replicas

DirkGently said:
Pretty nice job, except for the fact that they're ugly as sin. Make a replica of a P94 and we'll talk.

I'm assuming that you mean you don't like the Fallout 3 models, not that his work was terrible.
Those replicas are amazing. I do like the Fo3 laser rifle model (plasma rifle not so much). He does an awesome job on them regardless.
Brother None said:
Those replicas are amazing. I do like the Fo3 laser rifle model (plasma rifle not so much). He does an awesome job on them regardless.

I went through the Flickr where he showed some of the build process... this took him months to complete. He even did some of his own model casting. Crazy talent.
He's not bad, of course, but I personally do not like the energy weapons' design too much in Fallout 3. Not to mention some taste issues with some of the.. bigger 'guns'...
korindabar said:
DirkGently said:
Pretty nice job, except for the fact that they're ugly as sin. Make a replica of a P94 and we'll talk.

I'm assuming that you mean you don't like the Fallout 3 models, not that his work was terrible.

Obviously. The gun models from FO3 were all either hilariously ugly or hilariously dumb. Sometimes both!
DirkGently said:
korindabar said:
DirkGently said:
Pretty nice job, except for the fact that they're ugly as sin. Make a replica of a P94 and we'll talk.

I'm assuming that you mean you don't like the Fallout 3 models, not that his work was terrible.

If you don't like the guns, that's fine. But this man's work is amazing regardless of how you feel about Fallout 3 weapons looking "hilariously ugly". Let's try to find something positive in this post rather than immediately gunning for the "lolfallout3sucks!!1111eleven" response. It wouldn't matter what weapon he was designing, his craftmanship is to be admired.
very cool... I want to make one, but have no time right now to start another project... maybe later I'll do something like that.
Really damn cool, though I really don't like the plasma gun design.
But he really has some talent.
This guy should make them function like the real deal and then they would rule (even more).