Ha! Dodge that you non-English scum!

Wild_qwerty said:
bugger that mate. I say its a crazzy boyfriend of osamar, but my wife thinks its an upset Frenchy!

The french? Taking quasi-military action against the british?

Really though, there's a whole thread about this...
KillaKilla said:
Really though, there's a whole thread about this...
What for?

More people die almost every (or maybe all) week in Iraq.

Do the lives cost more because they speak English? Because they may well be able to post on the 'net about how they were trapped in a dark subway train? OMG! Teh Horreur!
The weekly, or sometimes daily, suicide bombings in Iraq obviously pale in comparison to this.

(Note: I am not without sympathy, but I find the contradictory manner of people disgusting)
Big T said:
Do the lives cost more because they speak English?

Didn't we cover this at length in the tsunami thread? No one's saying lives "cost more". Lives don't "cost" at all. Newsworthiness or significance is not an arithmetic function based on body count. I'll just repost the graph and be done with it:

An atomic bomb hitting a city and killing a lot of people is nothing new. You should change the picture for an alien invasion or something like that. I can't find any figure about the number of people killed in Iraq this week but I must agree with Big T.

Last Updated 02/07/2005, 17:09:42

In Iraq, at least 20 people have reportedly been killed in the capital Baghdad in an attack by a suicide bomber.

At least 20 people have been injured and are being treated in hospital.

An Interior Ministry spokesman says a man with exlosives tied to his body blew himself up among a group of people waiting to sign up to the Iraqi security forces.

The attack happened in the city centre, not far from the commando headquarters.

The bombing is the worst reported in Iraq in at least six days.


Spain .... England.... which country will be hit next? I think we should create a threat to make bids or a poll. I think Italy will be the next one.
The Netherlands.

Rotterdam *is* the biggest port in Europe, where many Europeans pass through, including lovely chemicals transport, and the chloride train, and the city of Rotterdam smack dab next to it. Hmmm, target
Make sure you include me in your will, Kharn. I look forward to whatever you will leave behind after your demise - it will make a splendid present for my 22nd birthday.
The Netherlands.

Holland *is* the most hated country in Europe, where many Europeans pass through, including lovely frenchmen, and the Germans, and the country of Belgium smack dab next to it. Hmmm, target...
lol, anyone know how much teh bankrupt newly EU-ified state of Greece wasted on the Olympics? Now imagine a state that ppl actually care about wasting even more on the games!

yay capitalism! -puke-
Western Europeans are lucky for having Poland as a buffer zone from any road travelling terrorists. The second they park somewhere in Poland, their car full of explosives will dissapear, with an explosion in the news about a car of the same make, but different colour and liscence plate some 20km away an hour later.
Romania. It's about bloody time and they are dubyahs allies in the [airquote]war on terror[/airquote] IIRC.
hey, we just joined for the pron! :roll:
Besides if terrorists decide to attack Romania they would fail miserably: our thieves would steal their explosives and the detonators and the weapons and anything else of value... the don't stand a chance :D
The US might want to tighten their security and stock up on medical supplies... they are just sitting ducks :roll:
Murdoch said:
... teh newly EU-ified state of Greece...


Greece is a much older member than most other EU nations, having joined the EU in 1981. Where that has gotten us is a totally different question, however.