Habemus Papam


Lived Through the Heat Death
In the precise moment the world needs real Religious dialogue the Catholic church nominates the only cardinal from the John Paul II team that had criticisms about the Assis Meeting. Brilliant. One victory to the clash of civilizations... Richelieu is back, hope it´s just a transition period.

What do you guys think?
A conservative Bavarian pope. How much worse could it get?

Oh, right. He's from Munich too, I guess that qualifies as worse.
John Uskglass said:
Munich is the best city in Germany.
Ever been to Berlin?
Munich...Bavarians...Catholics...Popes... (do I have prejudices?)

Ratzinger, huh? We will see how he does his job.

It's "Habemus Papam", by the way ("habere"; 1st person plural, present, indicative, active + "Papa" accusative singular... did I ever mention that I hate this language 'cause I was tortured with it for 5 years?)
I hated Berlin. A depresseing city of the unemployed and counter-cultural idiots.

Munich was like Paris without the Parisians.
Yeah, maybe. But you said "Munich is the best city in Germany"... <west german local patriotism> never refer Bavaria as part of Germany again or I'll drown you in Weißbier</local patriotism> :wink:

Oh, and Ratzinger wasn't born in Munich but in Marktl am Inn... never heard of it before.
John Uskglass said:
Transition Period. Can't last. The guy is 78.

Richelieu was a Realist, and the Church feels they need a transicional period until the next big steps, i agree. Benedictus XV was a man of the Internacional Law, of thinking hard about how to regulate the City of Men while taking care of the Faith required by the City of God, and in that sense Ratzinger is a man that knows the world and has plenty of interesting works about the world and why people abandon faith because of the problems of the world. So he might want to shake things up more than the other cardinals think...

it`s weird why they thought he would be a Realist since his hate for relativism is his great individual mark. Maybe the Holy Spirit wasn`t around after all... well what worries me is the inter religious dialogue, he wasn´t the best choice.

Member of Kharns is completely right, i thought i had write it well, but somehow i used the Portuguese word, probably out of habit,i`ll change it now.

By the way does anyone know how the Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede that Ratzinger used to be the head master was called in the old days? John?
Merged John's thread.

Also: Meh. I knew they wouldn't have the guts to elect an African.
It's funny how confusign this makes it. Bradylama's Liar comment now makes it sound as if that was about my Munich comment.
Well, we`ll see if he`s god or bad. But until then:
Bradylama said:
Some people were pissed about Ratzinger being in the Hitler Youth. I laffo'd.

I'm no history expert, but weren't most of Germany's eligible children in the Hitler Youth? When you're that young, you get caught up in patriotism...you don't know what's right and what's wrong.


In any case, I doubt John Paul would've had a Nazi as one of his best friends.
I'm no history expert, but weren't most of Germany's eligible children in the Hitler Youth? When you're that young, you get caught up in patriotism...you don't know what's right and what's wrong.
Not even that. Every German male between 14 and 18 had to be in the HJ, it was the law.