Habemus Papam

I cant make a decision yet...I am VERY worried however...

I shouldnt talk it could all hinge on announcements in the next few days.

The thing is...being the leader of over 1 billion people in a world of 6 billion he really could be the single most influental person currently.

The Vault Dweller
Well, I was right about him being in his late seventies and European - I just never expected it'd be Ratzinger.

I mean, the cardinals spent all that time complaining about how centralised John Paul II ran the church, and then they elect the single most authoritarian figure in the Church?

And judging from his appearance, voice and deep-sunk eyes, I give him about five years to live.
Ahahahaha.Nazi power in the Catholic chirch :lol: :lol: A man from the Hitler's youth-a pope?Mwahahaaha.

The previous pope was cooler one(but they used him for political aims)
Ah. Nothing else than a strikingly intelligent post from our brilliant Bulgarian patriot.
Wooz said:
Ah. Nothing else than a strikingly intelligent post from our brilliant Bulgarian patriot.
Polish-very religious.
Slavonic Catholic :wall: The German clergy changed your alphabet and your religion long,long ago.In fact not exactly Polish,but the Velikomoravian and other wertern Slavs assimilated it.
I am not a Bulgarian patriot(according to you-a chauvinist) becasue my dad is a Serb and I am a Serbo-Bulgarian.No possibility of being a chauvinist.
Silencer said:
Yeah. Like as if one Ali Agca wasn't enough.
You are the second one in this forum who wrote that total bullshit(the first was CC,but he is more intelligent than you) and still believes it.

1-Ali Agdza was not a Bulgarian,his name,his religion and his everything was not a Bulgarian.
-Ali Akdzha
Sergei Antonov-"the co-operator'

He even doesn't look like a Bulgarian.
2-You are so stuuupid.You heard about Ali Akdza and "a Bulgarian intervention" in the outrage against the Pope and you decided that he was a Bulgarian :wall:
"But why then they will speak about Bulgarian intervention?"
Because,my dear,when it happened there was The Cold War.And Bulgaria was an ally with the USSR,so they(chiefly Italian and American secret bureaus) accused Sergei Antonov(from the Bulgarian bureau of investigation,intelligence and espionage,working against the USA)of helping(hiring)Adi Akdza and other terrorists to kill the pope.
-But thrust me-neither the Bulgarian(Sergei Antonov),nor the Turk(Ali Akdža)would thrust one another and commit together such a crime.
-Why did Bulgarians wanted to kill the Pope?It wasn't the war in Yugoslavia,where Orthodox Christians and Catolics were fiting against each other.It doesn't make any sense.
Everything about "Bulgarian cooperation","Bulgarian intervention" in the outrage against the Pope(or the total bullshit-"Ali Akdzha is a Bulgarian")is not true and it was made up by Italian and American secret bureaus(they suborned Ali Akdzha to say,that Bulgarians are respondsible about the crime)against the Soviet countries-it was such an impudent lie .We were against each other in those mindless times.
Bwahahahaha. You totally fell for it.

Yeah, I know that Ali Agca wasn't Bulgarian and I've done research into that there was probably no connection prior to making that post.

But it's so rewarding to see you accuse others of posting "bullshit" in this thread.

Also, I reckon

Was ist? ? ? said:
neither the Bulgarian,nor the Turk would thrust one another.

will complement Wooz's sig stuff nicely.
Not to offend any Catholics out there, but if they don't like the pope , don't worry, he will die sooner or later. It's the truth so don't stone me please.
TorontRayne said:
Not to offend any Catholics out there, but if they don't like the pope ,don't worry, he will die sooner or later.Its the truth so don't stone me please.

Yeah, that's exactly the reason why we're putting up with you too.

Wow. That's not nice, that's not nice at all. I just stated a fact. Don't be beligerent. Can't we all just get along? Please be my friend...... :lol:
Don't trust people here, Torontrayne. Friendship here seems very fragile...

Just look at me and Murdoch, for example. I thought he was my best friend...
Are you refering to Matt Murdoch? The Daredevil. OMG! You are my idol you know Daredevil.

Edit: Young Toront tried hard to fit in. Almost as hard as Older Toront.
Jebus said:
Don't trust people here

Hah. We should say that to every n00b in the "say hello" thread. But either way, they'll all figure it out shortly.

EDIT: Wait, Jebus, don't you mean "don't thrust people here"? :D
Nazi Pope

Ok, so the Pope was a Nazi.

Is this really a big deal?


Pope's Nazi past

Benedict XVI former Hitler Youth member

Updated: 5:46 p.m. ET April 20, 2005As John Paul II's right hand man, in charge of enforcing the conservative papal policy, Cardinal Ratzinger earned an unfortunate nickname from his more progressive peers: the "Panzer Cardinal". Like the tank. Pope Benedict XVI, now 78, had his own brush with warfare as a young boy growing up in Nazi Germany.

At age, 14 membership in Germany's "Hitler Youth" became mandatory. So Joseph Ratzinger enrolled
He managed to get out early so he could study for the priesthood.
Two years later, when he was 16, Ratzinger was drafted again by the German Army.
Ratzinger worked as a helper in an anti-aircraft briagde.
In 1945, he was put through basic training and stationed near his hometown in Bavaria.
When Allied forces advanced, he deserted the German army — risking death by that act alone.
After he escaped, Ratzinger was captured by American soldiers and spent the remainder of the war in a POW camp.
Countdown with Keith Olbermann airs weeknights, 8 p.m. ET on MSNBC TV. E-mail Keith at KOlbermann@MSNBC.com.
To me, this is just another "OMG the president had an affair let's fire him!" News stories.

Dude, the guy was drafted. I wouldn't hold it against him.
Exactly. I'm no expert, but I would guess that in 1945 Germany, you probably wouldn't have much choice in whether or not you joined the Army. The fact that he left the Hitler Youth early and deserted the army is surely proof enough that he was The Perfect Little Nazitm?
Didn't he desert in 1944 though?

That he's a moral anything is proof enough to me that Ratzinger isn't a Nazi.