some pieces I did back in 2014.
Hmmm 2014 lol. That resonates! Where you in jail too in 2014. (You are not obliged to answer)
The pic of the 'Box?' emblazoned with pure dayglow colour is a mini masterpiece.

in the order of the dedguy before but this thread needs love.
The top 3 x 2 canvas shows the Irish Leprechaun in the *sweet spot*. Huzzah hip hip hooray.
I wont mention the 2nd pic of the grey guy eating a razor blade as this was done during a downer period.
The green guy with the ginger hair is freaked out and runs away while the member of *Staff* plods onward unafraid.
PS I never knew PRINCE had his own brand of ciggies. We live and learn.
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