Happy 4th Of July Americans and Americanophiles!

Worst 4th thread EVER.

No celebrations for me, though. My school had the bright idea of starting classes tomorrow, so it's back to the dorms for me. =/
That sucks, I am working at the library but off for burgers and fireworks this evening.

Agreed- worst 4th of July thread ever. John, you deserve to be slapped around. I swear I think you'd want to replace the Battle Hymm of the Republic with the Emperor's March from Star Wars.
My grandpa is like 229 years old and he doesn't have a red day. >.<
ive got 24 shells ready to burst into blossoms, and the guy down the street has over $300 in professional grade fireworks... so its a great night of celebration for me
Happy Fourth of July. I'm an American just living abroad in the Caribbean. Right now, we're shooting off fire works!!!

I just got back from celibrateing... Lots of beer and liquor, lots of illegal fireworks smuggled in from other states. damn good time tonight..

But somehow, i managed to just cut my knee with my wristwatch.
Don't celebrate too much with fireworks, you might get shot/lynched/tortured-on-an-electric-metal-bed-like-in-Rambo for being suspected of terrorism by neighbours and local agencies.
If all of you yanks shoot them fireworks off at roughly the same time, there might be no America left tomorrow.
The mere thought of that makes alec drool...

-- alec, drooling
In defiance of the rampant Americanism in this thread, I will go on the record and say that I spent the ENTIRE 4th of July in bed, sick to my very bone. Next year I hope to do the same.
Meh, America's independance will be short lived, we British have had faith in that for the past 229 years.
I'm sure we'll get rid of you as quicklly as we did the Scottish.

So, very slowly.

No, seriously, hope you enjoyed yourselves. Didn't want an empire anyway. :'(
welsh said:
Agreed- worst 4th of July thread ever. John, you deserve to be slapped around. I swear I think you'd want to replace the Battle Hymm of the Republic with the Emperor's March from Star Wars.

Welsh, we've saved the world from three diffirent authoritarian and totalitarian regiems, and we've rarley done anything that did not in the end turn out to better the world, and we are still not as popular as the French where even when they tried to conquer the fucking world.

I'm tired of being the good guy who people hate. Why not be the morally ambivilent guy that gets to have fun?
John Uskglass said:
Welsh, we've saved the world from three diffirent authoritarian and totalitarian regiems, and we've rarley done anything that did not in the end turn out to better the world, and we are still not as popular as the French where even when they tried to conquer the fucking world.
Soviet Union. That's one. What are the other two?
I do find it intersting that people equate America with Germany and other regimes that directly attacked and annexed/parceled/devasted other nations with absolutely no pretext at all.

And it would be great if people would stop associating the current leadership of our country with America in general or vern most Americans. I voted for the other guy, and so I take exception to that.

Ratty said:
Soviet Union. That's one. What are the other two?

Germany and Japan are probably the ones he's thinking of, although other, possibly more pertinent examples are available.
CCR said:
Welsh, we've saved the world from three diffirent authoritarian and totalitarian regiems

Sigh. Let's not turn this into another america-bashing thread, allright?

The US saved the world from 3 authoritarian regimes? How's Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan 3? *waits for the 3rd* Anyhoo.

Saved from 3, instaured 90. Good deal.

I'm tired of being the good guy who people hate.

"Good" is an extremely subjective term, especially in politics. Anyone supporting any government to extremes isn't "good" anymore.