Happy 4th of July!


Lived Through the Heat Death
Happy 4th to all of us wonderful Americans.

It's a day we can remind ourselves of how great this country is, and that we're better than Europe!

Fireworks galore! I nearly blew apart my hand today, damn firecrackers. A kid got sent to the clinic since he was missing part of his forearm after the smoke cleared (literally, the smoke part), his arm just had a little cut in it, nothing big, stupid idiot held onto the damn firecracker too long, and as soon as he threw it, it blew up right next to his arm. Then some other kid went home with a bloodied calf because a firecracker blew up next to him and he didn't notice, it was just a little gash. I had to end up going home after the cops started chasing after us for playing war. Hopefully my friend won't rat us out in the clinic and get us in trouble. And watch out for them trickly little sparklers. You think their small time, but if you light them wrong, they burn your thumb worse than a mother.
This coming from a guy who said he forgot it was the 4th of July, yet you're the one who posted this topic?
I forgot earlier today. Then I realised it.

It's been a pretty fucked up week for me, dude, you can't blame me for not knowing the date.
Oh, yes!
Today is the Independence Day!
Have a happy Nationality Day, my USA friends!
Malkavian said:
Happy 4th to all of us wonderful Americans.

It's a day we can remind ourselves of how great this country is, and that we're better than Europe!

Can't exactly say we're better than Europe though. IMO we have a higher ratio of "trash" compared to Europe.

PS People please use your 4th of july fireworks ON THE 4th NOT the 2nd or 3rd.

Enjoy :D
It's hard not to use rockets and small explosives when you have them.

Happy Fourth of July everyone.
Hah! Great, I won a raffle, now I have one of the best places to watch the Forth of July fireworks at the Capital.

It's on the top floor of a tall building right across the Potomac. This means I won't have to contend with crowds, I won't have to face Washington traffic, made worse than normal because of July 4th (and the blockades around monuments and the like), I'll be in the air conditioning (with no bugs, they are quite numerous around Washington), and I'll have a perfect view of the event.

Though last year was nice as well, traveled out to Antietam to watch the fireworks and a live orchestia performed the music.

Have a great Forth of July everyone, for the Americans: hope your neighborhoods sound like a war-zone!
Yay, happy 4th of July, my dear, dear Ameri... wait, what the fuck am I saying?

Death to America! Death to capitalism and American imperialism! Death to Bush' fascism!

Glory to the Communist Party! Glory to the Third Internationale! Power to the people! Proletarians of all countries unite!

*faints from exhaustion*
Hey, there's a birthday threads for this....sorta.

anyway happy 137th b-day Canada (okay i'm a couple of days late) and happy independance day USAians.