Wooz said:
Cool. Where did you find this picture?
In here my friend Wooz
Btw, a description of our vehicle:
This heavily-modified vehicle is the sort of thing one can only find in certain post-apocalyptic settings. The ones where radiation and the wreaked ecosystems haven't doomed everyone to a slow, painful death. In fact, this sort of machine could almost be seen in the Mad Max series of movies, specifically in the time period of Beyond Thunderdome. It also seems to be the perfect vehicle to appearance in something like Six-String Samurai. I also see it as a sort of hyped-up "technical" seen in such locations as Somalia.
As near as I can tell, the engine is now in the rear, and powers the primitive track-laying drive mechanism. The front wheels seem to be made of solid metal, while a modified steel support beam serves as an impact ram. More steel tubing forms an impact shield in the front of the car, while sheet metal has been used to cover the windows and provide basic protection for the driver and gunner(s). This protection is presumed to be part of the basic vehicle DEF, which hasn't taken any Limited Coverage Limitations. While it makes it hard to see out, it is also hard to see in, and many weapons will prove ineffectual until the louvered front windshield is either breached or removed.
The antitank gun is aimed by pointing the entire car at a target. It doesn't have many rounds (perhaps no more than a dozen at any one time), and is almost never fired while on the move. Technically, the gun is a crew-served weapon, with 2-3 people needed to properly aim and fire it. Game Masters can add in the proper Limitation if they so choose.
As can be expected, the car doesn't go very fast, and does best on flat and fairly smooth roads, be they dirt or asphalt. It doesn't maneuver very well, either, and is missing almost all of the typical ground car accessories (such as lights and a radio), but does have an externally mounted loudspeaker (usually used to harangue and intimidate potential victims). It is possible a Somalia-styled technical would have a radio, and even headlights, however.
Actually this could be brought to the game 8)