It Wandered In From the Wastes

As long as Obsidian hangs around, we'll be fine.
Arin Matthews said:I know a lot of you on this forum hate the living hell out of Fallout 3 and think Bethesda is the Devil.
Is Fallout dead to you "people" now that Bethesda owns the rights to Fallout?
Those are people with low INT, crazy sense of entitlement or just a venomous bitterness.Arin Matthews said:I know a lot of you on this forum hate the living hell out of Fallout 3 and think Bethesda is the Devil.
Those are people with low INT, crazy sense of entitlement or just a venomous bitterness.
While I too was upset about FO3 direction, it was a perfect restart, which allowed the creation of New Vegas, which may not offer the type of gameplay I would have liked, but was a good fallout title which I enjoyed.
So find some other way to vent, bitterness is not healthy for anyone.Well good for you, welcome to the town of "I don't give a crap".
fred2 said:So find some other way to vent, bitterness is not healthy for anyone.Well good for you, welcome to the town of "I don't give a crap".
I haven't played the others, but GTA is pretty much the same since 3, and The Sims really didn't change that much (at least until 3, is there any more than 3?). I don't know how players of previous GTAs took that change, though.All game franchises are "Dead" then if the way many of you are explaining above is "True".
Resident Evil, Spyro, Crash, Silent Hill, Grand Theft Auto, Tomb Raider, The Sims, Elder Scrolls...
the list goes on. All of those franchises had massive changes from gameplay, graphics and more. Does that make them "Dead"? No.
Bethesda made only one of them. And yeah, both are great games for today's standards, they just don't live up to the name of the franchise, which were done in (what is IMO) the golden age for RPGs. NV is, IMO, vastly better than FO3.Fallout 3 and NV are great games. Besides, just remember that if bethesda never would of made those 2, this series would of been "Shelved" with Fallout: Piece Of Shit as the final game.
The franchise never died, it was BoS that almost destroyed the series. Fallout 3, despite its general hatred in this website, restored the popularity of Fallout.