Have They Fixed Damage Dealt by Guns?


Give dese people air!!
Has it been established if different ammo types do different damage? I know you can craft ammunition but I'm not sure what effect that has in the game.
I say it would have different damage. The ammo that you can make i'd say the higher skill you have for it the more damage it does.
here you go

from the guy who wrote the strategy guide

[spoiler:e53c80c7a6]Of course, there’s a more violent, anarchic point to Crafting too. With the introduction of Reloading Benches, you (and your associated Skill) can spend time searching for any type of ammunition – including bullets you normally would never use – and break them down into their component parts. Then, with a modicum of talent, you can craft variations of your standard bullets, shells, and clips to suit a variety of (usually blood-soaked) situations. Naturally, the official guide details all the bullet types, how to create them, and their strengths (and weaknesses), so let’s focus on one example of a common bullet type: the 9mm.


Pistols (such as the unique offering on show here called “Maria”) can manage to deliver devastating blows – even to armor-clad entities – as long as you’ve loaded up the correct bullets for the job.

You should have shot at Raiders and Centaurs throughout the Capital Wasteland armed with a weapon that fires these bullets. But as battle-scarred Mojave wanderers will tell you, they tend to be pretty feeble against anything more than a lightly-armored target. With low damage, but common availability, this ammo type used to be a stop-gap measure until something better was found. Not anymore! With some Reloading Bench hijinks, a Hollow Point variable can be created. This increases the damage you inflict by 75 percent, which makes combat 75 percent more satisfying. However, it also triples a target’s DT (Damage Threshold, which is the amount of absorption a foe’s armor can take before the strike hits soft, squishy flesh). So this is much more of a lethal strike, but only if your foe isn’t armor-plated. Time then for the “+P” variant; this increases your damage by 10 percent, but it also reduces a target’s DT by 2, effectively letting more damage pass through armor — until your weapon disintegrates, as there’s 20 percent more wear on the firearm with these bullets, too. Naturally, you can counter-act that with Weapon Repair Kits, or a Ghoul with some exceptional tinkering abilities…[/spoiler:e53c80c7a6]

Basically the answer is yes--nothing really spoilerish in there unless you are insanely nit picky.
al I really hope for is that a Power armor will finally give you the protection it should. I dont want to see anymore raiders with a stick punching you to death ... and the same should be true for the player, if I attack some enemy in power armor with just a knive I should expect to die a heroic death.
Crni Vuk said:
al I really hope for is that a Power armor will finally give you the protection it should. I dont want to see anymore raiders with a stick punching you to death ... and the same should be true for the player, if I attack some enemy in power armor with just a knive I should expect to die a heroic death.

Totally agree. Any piercing weapons should cause no damage to Power Armor (nor should it do anything to decent sized robots, unless they have exposed hoses/wires). A sledge hammer or large club should stun the enemy and perhaps do damage minus 10 or 15 points, so most hits do no damage, but no any then a critical hurts. Even most pistols should do very minimal damage.

I'd love running from armored baddies mid-game if my one good rifle ran out of ammo and I only had a crowbar or a useless hand gun to defend myself.
Well, seeing as they're bringing back DT, that certainly looks like a possibility; You can deck yourself out in some nice armor and basically ignore a large portion of what your enemies are shooting/hitting you with.
Crni Vuk said:
al I really hope for is that a Power armor will finally give you the protection it should. I dont want to see anymore raiders with a stick punching you to death ... and the same should be true for the player, if I attack some enemy in power armor with just a knive I should expect to die a heroic death.

Well a direct quote from Chris avellone in one of the recent interviews states if you attack a bos paladin with a 22 you won't do sink to him. So there u go
Texas Renegade said:
Crni Vuk said:
al I really hope for is that a Power armor will finally give you the protection it should. I dont want to see anymore raiders with a stick punching you to death ... and the same should be true for the player, if I attack some enemy in power armor with just a knive I should expect to die a heroic death.

Well a direct quote from Chris avellone in one of the recent interviews states if you attack a bos paladin with a 22 you won't do sink to him. So there u go

This seems easily accomplishable. Such as flagging a weapon to not deal damage (or at least 10% of what it normally would do) to certain NPCs with certain armor. I know it must suck if the player doesn't have a weapon in their inventory to defeat a certain enemy, but really, they can run away and come back with a plasma gun later. Sounds like strategy to me.
Well that's what the threshold system is for, if say, PA has a DT of 30, and your weapon only does 20 dmg, then you won't be piercing that armor. Finaly gonna ge that walking tank feel again :D
Texas Renegade said:
Well a direct quote from Chris avellone in one of the recent interviews states if you attack a bos paladin with a 22 you won't do sink to him. So there u go

That is music to my ears. Honestly, this single aspect will have a large impact on my enjoyment of the game. It won't make a bad game good, but lacking it could take away alot from a decent/good game.

K.C. Cool said:
This seems easily accomplishable. Such as flagging a weapon to not deal damage (or at least 10% of what it normally would do) to certain NPCs with certain armor. I know it must suck if the player doesn't have a weapon in their inventory to defeat a certain enemy, but really, they can run away and come back with a plasma gun later. Sounds like strategy to me.

It should be just as easy as making all those wraiths and deamons immune to non-enchanted weapons in other games. Though I'd be okay with greatly reduced damage over 'weapon has no effect' messages. After all, a baseball bat to a guys chest who's in PA shouldn't deal any damage...but a hit to the legs while he's moving might knock him down, or a hit to the hand could make him drop his weapon.