Hello friends. Come and meet my mod for FNV.

Cobra Commander

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Hello guys.

I'm bored here, so I decided to share a mod I'm creating. It's nothing special, it not change your gameplay, it does not have custom meshes, but it's honest.

At first it would be a quest mod : A secret tournament between factions, with lots of humor inserted. The courier would compete for Mojave Express, at the behest of the founder of the company.

But since is VERY annoying to program, I let go of the hand. The files have been standing here for months, so I have an idea.

Use these armor to equip some npcs in the game. Maybe I can bringing a bit more variety to a game that is already 7 years old.



Here we have, always from left to right:

1) The 80s, the bikers of the Fallout universe. I still have to adjust the color of the skin and create some special color for the helmet. Since there is no one who fits this description in the game, this girl will have this armor


Maybe she killed one of them and got the equipment. Or she is a former member. I do not know.

2) armored Viva Las Vegas. Freeside is a dangerous place, so the leader of them needs more protection, without loose the style.

3) Beastlord. Another one that will need a color skin fix. Easy. You can find this armor on Violet, because she commands all that hounds.


At first, this armor will grant the Animal Friend Perk, as soon as I find out how to do this.

4) Boomers. Extra protection without the extra weight. She will have it


5) Chairmen. This will have a matching hat with the jacket on. All members except Benny will use. It always bothered me that they dress like Omertas and vice versa.


6) Marked Men. Legion + NCR + Old World? All 5 special Marked Men will have this armor.

7) Dead Horses. Just a more reliable armor for Follows-Chalks.

8) Circle of Steel. Okay, I like to think these elite infiltrators were sent out on the quest Still in the Dark, instead of that 3 simple guys. After all, the Brotherhood is under lockdown, so only the best can come out. Eyeglasses will ensure Concentrated Fire.

9) Enclave. This is a experimental Combat armor. Moreno pick this before they run away from NCR. Still need a Enclave symbol in the chest and I´m not sure about the helmet =/

10) Elijah. NOBODY can jury rigged something like this old man. This is his special outfit, combining technology from Sierra Madre, Big Empty and Enclave.


11) Followers. Now Arcade can do some field work, without loose his member identity.

12) Fireman. Camp Searchlight have a Fire Station. So I like to think that Private Edwards was a firefighter in the past. Maybe he even help to extinguish the fire that consumed the Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm. Male only.

13) Fiends. A scary armor for a scary guy. This is the new armor for Motor Runner. Male only.

14) Hubologist. Come on, religious fanatics + space rocket obsession? How Jason Bright is not a Hubologist? I made him a ex member. As this faction is a wacky element of the franchise, this is my wacky interpretation for them.

15) Crimson Caravan. New armor for Ringo. Nobody cares about him, but he's tough. So this is his legendary merchant outfit. It even have a large backpack to carry extra weight.


16) NCR General Armor. Why is Cassandra Moore dressed like a normal soldier? I do not accept this, so I present her with an imposing general armor.

17) White Glove Society. So, this NPC was supose to be a magician in the tornament mod, with the "power" of the Gosth of She, creating many ilusions of itself (just smoke and mirror). As the mod was abandoned, I decided that the Mortimer could wear this outfit, thinking he was quite elegant. Also, it combines, because HE makes people (puts the dark glasses) ............... disappear. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.

18) Legion. This one is for Aurelius of Phoenix. This is a character who talks about his armor, so I thought it was cool that he had it.

19) Powder Gangers. This is the Bully outfit for this faction. You can find in Eddie´s bodyguard with a eyepatch (forget his name).

20) Shi. Another that I had no idea where to put. So I thought it would be cool if this faction took an interest in Big Empty's technology, and they sent one of them there, which was captured and lobomotized. This guy:



Among this armors, this mod will also have:

1) Some new weapons (but not many, because, I can´t hold a candle to others mods in this area)
2) Some new recipes for drugs.
3) A new perk.

And I put a option that only put the armors in a chest, leaving the npcs untouchable, for the more purists.

release date? A month, maybe?

This is it. I hope you enjoyed.
new one. A study for a heavy armor for Papa Khan.


waiting the permission to use that Khan symbol in the cape.


Now you will be able to help some settlements :twisted::twisted::twisted:
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I dig these armor designs, especially Trapper, Tribal and The 80's armor.

tribal Armor and Divide helmet are my favorite.

I'll share some more things with you guys

This is some armors for the update, all alpha


from left to right:

1) A Veteran NCR Trooper, who GET THE JOB DONE. That´s why his clothes is a mess, he spend weeks in the field, until the mission is accomplished

2) Gunslinger. If you recognize this guy, it's because you played Desperados. It's Doc Mccoy.


(Note: Can´t run Desperados in my note, windows 10. I wanna replay this game so badly :( :( :( At least I buy with a bread change)

3) Bomb Squad. I did not like the helmet. I'll try vault security helmet.

4) Vegas Showgirl. I'm in love with this outfit, I is the best I ever did.

Next we have The Headhunter, a "cut content" from the main pack.


Still deciding whether to include it or not. Actually this armor has several problems, I even had to fool the geck to put it in the game.

And I know he can not see it with that mask, but there's no way to make eyes holes.
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An armor for Caesar, as an imposing general must appear well-dressed for his troops. I do not like his shitty clothes.


And the Legion must have enough gold, since they use this material to mint their Denarius.
I really, REALLY like what I'm seeing so far, but that Caesar armor, it's too shiny. Like, WAY too out-of-place shiny. I guess it's because my eyes literally never see anything so shiny in Gamebryo engine before, but..... damn. You need to work more on that texture. Or, you know what, just use the textures for Legate's armor and call it a day.
Actually there is nothing wrong with the texture, it is golden and that is it. The shiny was someone sort of cheat I made using Gamebryo. The engine has a property that you can attach to an item, which causes the light to reflect on that item. You can see this in the vault's security helmet, for example.

When combined with this golden texture, it gives the impression of a very bright gold. :-P

I actually did not see the armor without this trick. I'll take your opinion into consideration and see how it goes.

And what do you think of this armor for Malpais Legate?


I simply can´t see Graham with that bulky Legate Lanius Armor. Dont fit, he´s more "slim", more agile....What's more, many do not remember, but Graham is already an old man in his fifties. Legate Lanius armor is the most heavy armor in the game.

And I also do not like him dressed in his bulletproof vest in Legion time, even more so that the shirt has tribal symbols, which goes totally against the Legion's ideology, which seeks to erase any trace of tribal culture from the people they assimilate.
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I simply can´t see Graham with that bulky Legate Lanius Armor. Dont fit, he´s more "slim", more agile....What's more, many do not remember, but Graham is already an old man in his fifties. Legate Lanius armor is the most heavy armor in the game.

And I also do not like him dressed in his bulletproof vest in Legion time, even more so that the shirt has tribal symbols, which goes totally against the Legion's ideology, which seeks to erase any trace of tribal culture from the people they assimilate.
I kinda figured the reason Joshua Graham wore the bulletproof vest was because he never really fell for the Legion's ideology, he was simply supporting them to further his own power over the wasteland. I imagine he'd be hesitant to wear the more roman-design armour of the Legion.

That being said, that is a really awesome piece of armour you've designed.
We almost there guys. 24 new armors. Just wait for two friends finish a texture for two armors.

A fun bonus


I loved this outfit. So simple to make.

Is there a faction you would like to see in this mod?