Hello NMA community


First time out of the vault
sry for my bad english, my translator is broken :D

kay, i would ask you about a picture i made for "FalloutNow".

Tell me what you think about it:

awesome! allthough maybe slightly Fallout: POS -ish, but that might just be my biased view...
Very very very nice.

And don't listen to Suffer's remark about the arse: Suffer only likes male buttocks. :wink:
The hoe looks a little bit out of place and i go with Suffer... her ass looks awfull.

But the pic is still pretty nice!
I don't like it. Hazy, dreamish landscape. It could have been taken out of a Max Payne's nightmare, yes, but not a post-apocalyptic retrofuture. Also, I'm allergic to scantily-dressed, well-kept young women with a BoS tattoo on their lower backs. FOPOS TO THE MAX!!111!11!1

So, sorry, while it is nicely done, it totally doesn't communicate to me as a Fallout fanatic.
Awesome! I guess everyone has there diffrent views on it but I like it a lot... You should make the girl look a little more unkept though... She looks like she just stepped out of Bally's Total Fitness and not out of a Fallout Universe :D
I agree with Silencer here. Out of place, but the picture is quite good as it's own entity, but not really in the FO universe.

Good work anywho.
I'm with Alec on this one. Like the picture and was left wanting to see more of the lady.
@ Human Grunt

Search some free pr0n sites, rip a hoe out of them's vintage-pr0n-pictures and sticks her's arse to sum' waste pictues. :D


P.S.: Extremly important: Use high quality pr0n!
The image is great... but i`m more intrested in the girl...lol
The ilumination effect on the closer hole on the roof can be better... but the girl is still great..lol