HELP PIP BOY (this time is for real)

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It Wandered In From the Wastes
Pip Boy needs food... while Betsheda programming team is working hes ran out of work... HELP PIP BOY
Well, it ain't that bad, Vox.
Redo this drawing with a good brush, decent ink and 100% cotton paper and it'll mean a world of difference. Colour it and it'll come to life. I really like the lettering, which looks sloppy yet fluid and alive at the same time. No, honestly: it's not as bad as you think, Vox.
Plus: it's only by making tons of these simple line drawings that Sebastian will get better. So yeah: nice work, Sebastian. :wink:
Vox said:
It's neither funny nor well drawn.

Sorry, pal.

Vox, i dont know whats your problem, r u the "mega drawing machine"?... i dont think so, look its just a PIP BOY DRAWING is not a vey complicate drawing and i made it on a bus.
It seems that you have a problem with every pic i´ve updated so lets do something.
If you have a problem with the drwing, i dont care, but keep you "Mr everybody sucks" oppinion for yourself, if you dont think this is a funny picture then SHUT UP and dont post in my topics...OK
Sorry, I think it is pretty poor. His left hand has been dipped in too much FEV, his hair is just... wrong. Sorry if critisiscm bothers you, but it has to be expected. If you don't want comments, don't pust your work. Also, I don't care if it was on a bus. Sub par content made under poor circumstances isn't impressive. If you manage to make a blob with mildly pip boy-ish features while on fire and blinded with no hands, don't expect to get it framed.
Sebastian said:
and i made it on a bus.

If you don't want people commenting on drawings you made on a bus, don't make them on buses, or put up large signs saying "MADE ON BUS DO NOT COMMENT", which do not however prohibit others from posting comments.

Sebastian said:
SHUT UP and dont post in my topics

I don't say everbody sucks. I love the 3 D renders of vic's house and the shady sands renders for example... and if i say "i like something" or "i don't like it" it has nothing to do with my skills as a creating artist, but with my personal oppinion. And if i say "do this or that better" it means that I utter what I'd do better, if i'd be the one creating something.... who i'm not.

Anyway... they put in hours and hours of work into the rengers and that's what i respect. Real work. Not doodles.
And yes, IF I'd "doodle" something it'd look better.

To keep it short:

I've seen 6 years old children drawing better. And that's not an offense. It's a fact. At least from my point of view.
Look... i don`t have problems with oppinions about the drawings... but i think that if some people think this one if funny or not, they should keep that for themselves.

To keep it short.
- Oppinions about the Pic = OK
- Personal oppinions about anything else = Not OK
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