Help topic: Identifying books/comic books/movies/anything

It's 0:36 plz help me

That is really early.

I've been trying to learn Gull. I am really good at Herring Gull and know many of their calls. Downtown last week when I was feeding Gulls with ' Mini Cheddars ' a Black Backed Gull (lesser) swooped and stole some young girl's Pizza Slice.

I clearly heard the Herring Gulls scream " You thieving bastard, that's just a young human "

The BBG screamed back, it sounded more like a Common Tern or possibly an Artic Skua.

This was strange as usually the BBG sounds quite similar to the Herring Gull.

I was just wondering if a book or video is available on this subject ?
Think I;m losing it. It;s such a vivid memory, yet it doesnt exist anywhere on the internet. So strange.
A military camera pans left to right, using FLIR, it follows a hovering thing that looks like a probe droid from star wars. It is able to change it;s heat signiture at will, travelling, while men and dog below ~50ft take no notice.

Then there is a recollection of people talking about it on podcasts n stuff.
If that video was just a dream, well, hot damn.
found it.
what the fuck is that? at first it looks piloted, then its just arms at the end. WHAT IS THAT?!