Help topic: Identifying books/comic books/movies/anything

The only other Christmas movie I can think of with James Stewart is The Shop Around the Corner. There is a Robert Mitchum called Holiday Affair that has a kid in it and someone suspected of theft, but I don't think the kid plays detective.

I don't remember much of either film, though. This probably wasn't all that helpful. :shrug:
I was reminded of a particular track I really loved as a child when I was watching this video and I recognized the background music as I was watching it. If I'm not mistaken, that's from Home Alone (1?), but if it is, any idea what the name of the track is? I used to rewind the shit out of my VHS tapes when I was a kid because I wanted to listen to the music of particular scenes over and over again, and I'm pretty sure this track was one of those that made me ruin a VHS's film from my VCRs. XD
I need help identifying these mushrooms.

Looks like a pleated ink cap or hare's foot inkcap, but then again the pic is kind of crappy.
I need help identifying these mushrooms.



This is which is rare to find in North America, but more common in the gulf region. It's the ONLY blue mushroom in this part of the world and it's bright blue color is wonderful. It's considered edible with a peppery taste. Supposedly if you cut it the "milk" that comes out is the purest color of blue imaginable.

I've never found it in all my hiking trips. Tell me can you give me a rough approximation of your location and the time of year you found it? It's supposed to grow in pine forests mainly and appear in the Autumn. Also what local environment (if you remember) was it in? It looks like hay to me.

The Vault Dweller
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I'm looking for some information on something I only know as 'the tumbling boxes theory'. I think that it's about the idea that if you stack boxes high enough and then give the stack a push, the top box should start orbiting the planet or something. Anyway, Google doesn't recognize the term, so it's probably called something else. Anyone have any idea?
As a kid I once watched a movie about a woman being pregnant with either an alien or demon baby, I don't remember. What I remember is a scene where she dreams of a weird criptkeeper like thing forming on her stomach like it was part of her belly. Does anybldy know which movie this was?
There's this distinctively 80's seeming Cartoon I used to watch. I believe it was about a fantasy world where the main characters went around on a ship or something. I remember water and a ship. What I believe is the female main character hides a knife in her boot in the main intro I think. And the most recognizable element of the cartoon is chimearas that fly around, which are prominent in the intro, if I remember correctly.
Mrrrmmm... the only thing I can remember that even REMOTELY fits the bill was an early 90s thing called The Pirates of Dark Water. There was an adventurous female secondary protagonist, IIRC, and the main character was a rather feminine-*looking* ponytailed blonde guy named Ren. The villain was a fat green guy (Bloth?) that looked kind of like the love child of Uncle Phil and a half-orc. Not sure about chimeras, but I know the requisite irritating sidekick was a flying red beast thing that looked like a cross between a parrot and a monkey.
This is going to sound a bit strange but I need a help identifying a movie by its... sex scene I guess? It wasn't a porn but a legitimate movie.

There was a girl who seemed to do casual hookups or such (maybe she was a prostitute?) and she has sex with some total stranger in an alleyway(meaning that in on scene she just looks at him, and then it cuts to the action part) and while on top of the guy, she suddenly starts freaking out/having panic attacks as if she saw a monster or something (or at least, that's what it looked like to me).

So yeah. That's literaly what I remember. Anyone? :wiggle:
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