Help with scripting

Thanks, now it´s working.

BTW, I found out that if you place the critter to a place where it must turn around several corner´s etc. to reach it´s destination, it won´t perform any those animations. It started to work when I placed it so, that there is almost a straight way to it´s destination. It seems that walking animations doesn´t work, if the critter must navigate too complex travel to reach it´s destination.
yes i got this problem too, you've to use checkpoints. it happens sometimes when the critter must go threw (i'm not sur i type it correctly) a door
So I've found this old thread and decided to post here and not create duplicate...

I get strange effects when using critter_dmg command. Whether I'm in combat or not, whenever I call it from global script, the critter being damaged strangely flickers (disappears) or freezes his animation for short time. This doesn't happen every time, just every second time or something like that.
I'm using DMG_normal_dam as third parameter (tried it with DMG_NOANIMATE, not flickers, but that's not going to work, because if this is a fatal damage, critter should die with animation, which will not happen in this case), using sfall v3.2 and Restoration Project 2.3.2 installed.

Edit: the problem was in Hi-res patch... looks like it's fog of war feature are causing this. That's too bad, I like for of war :(
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