He's simply the best


White heterosexual male
Yeah, that's right. The only yank I can stand (except for Vonnegut, but he's almost dead, ain't he, tee-hee), mister Lance Armstrong has done it again: he won another Tour de France, another yellow jersey. His sixth one! Which makes him the absolute top since Merckx and Indurain and Hinnault only won the Tour five times.

He might be missing one of his testicles, but at least he has secured his footnote in history!


And - let us not forget - he gets to do the boink-boink-boink-thing with miss Sheryl Crow.:obsessed: I'd sacrifice one of my testicles for this guy's life (and bank account)... Oh yes I would... Oh yes...
Including the cancer? Tsch.

In any case, hooray. He's made the Tour one hell of a lot more boring, that's for sure. *grumbles*

And he was an asshole towards Simeoni.
i never liked watching cycling anyway. even before all the scandals erupted.

unfortunatly the only sport i do care about is just as fucked up thx to schumie
I personally love Baseball and some say it is a horribly boring sport to watch and I can understand why people say that because some just don't understand the game, but cycling? Who in there right mind would even bother watching the spot on Sports Center about it?

Mohrg :twisted:
Sander said:
Including the cancer? Tsch.
You have a point there. But conquering the C and becoming a major sportsman? Well and why not? Nietzsche: that which doesn't kill me can only make me stronger. Or something along those lines.

Sander said:
In any case, hooray. He's made the Tour one hell of a lot more boring, that's for sure. *grumbles*
That's one lame statement, Sander. Here's a man that survived cancer and still he's like 20% better than the competition. What should he do then? Perform worse than he is able to do? The reason why the Tour is "boring" is simply because the competition is so friggin' untalented. Even a young god like Basso can't beat this 32-year-old-I-only-have-one-testicle-left-superman. That's not Lance's fault. He's just... too talented and too damn good.

Sander said:
And he was an asshole towards Simeoni.
Simeoni is shit. Simeoni is the shit. Who on earth cares about Simeoni?

It's funny, though. Every time an enormously talented sportsman/woman gets a medal or wins some sort of tournament, you always criticize them. Remember Justine Henin? She was ugly, you said. Who cares how she looks anyway? It's what she has to offer that counts. The same goes for Lance. He might be a redneck and an asshole, that doesn't change the fact that he's the best cyclist of his generation, my generation that is. And so he deserves all my sympathy. So does Henin.

You go cheer up poor old Simeoni. Who wasn't strong enough to get rid of Lance, by the way. If he had been strong enough, he wouldn't need to whinge now would he? Same goes for Ullrich and Klödn.

I rest my case. 8)

Nobody. Absolutely *nobody* can surpass my 1337 sidewalk-speeding, terror-inspiring mountainbiking skillz.

And I still got my two balls on.
Actually, I drove into a fat guy's ass once. Right in the crack. Zwwiiifff. Was too busy checking a weird noise's source in my front wheel, to see where I was heading on the sidewalk.

On topic, I also admire the guy who managed to win such an exhausting physical competition as the Tour de France, with cancer. As pip said, go him.
I totally pwn you all with my biking skills. I already destroyed four bikes. One of them I had to repair so many times the only original parts on it were the frame and the handle bars.

It's been about four years since the last time I rode a bike, mostly because my last bike is pretty much a wreckage now. I don't know if I'll purchase another one.
I once ran over a dude with a bike, cracked soem of his ribs too I hear.

Basicly, he was a jerk I went to school with (this was a few years back, when I was in highschool) and he jumped infront of me as I was riding.

I didnt bother to move, since i'dve had to go in a busy street to do so.

Realizing I wasnt gona break or swerve, he jumped back, and sliped and fell down.

I ran right over his chest.
Comrade, the fact you destroyed bikes means you're an irresponsible puppet of the capitalist imperium. Don't you have the slightest respect for the People's biking industry?

Four years? And you dare to boast your biking skills?

Take my example, I only demolish front wheels. A month ago I crashed, piss-drunk, into a grating. My front wheel was S-shaped. Luckily, nothing happened to me.
I think he should have it. And be remembered. Amstrongs are to be never forgotten. Walking on the moon, biking, shiznit..
Bradylama said:
Why does riding bicycle good make people tolerable?

We-ell, because they don't spew right-wing propaganda on public forae, for one.
I have a bike, I bought it about six months ago on eBay, haven’t used it even once. It serves as a nice towel and other stuff holder in my apartment nonetheless.