Yeah, that's right. The only yank I can stand (except for Vonnegut, but he's almost dead, ain't he, tee-hee), mister Lance Armstrong has done it again: he won another Tour de France, another yellow jersey. His sixth one! Which makes him the absolute top since Merckx and Indurain and Hinnault only won the Tour five times.
He might be missing one of his testicles, but at least he has secured his footnote in history!
And - let us not forget - he gets to do the boink-boink-boink-thing with miss Sheryl Crow. I'd sacrifice one of my testicles for this guy's life (and bank account)... Oh yes I would... Oh yes...
He might be missing one of his testicles, but at least he has secured his footnote in history!
And - let us not forget - he gets to do the boink-boink-boink-thing with miss Sheryl Crow. I'd sacrifice one of my testicles for this guy's life (and bank account)... Oh yes I would... Oh yes...