He's simply the best

don't fall for that lie, people, if he was a TRUE american he would've won the tour de France driving a Humvee with a Texan flag bumper stick, not that *thing*.
alec said:
That's one lame statement, Sander. Here's a man that survived cancer and still he's like 20% better than the competition. What should he do then? Perform worse than he is able to do? The reason why the Tour is "boring" is simply because the competition is so friggin' untalented. Even a young god like Basso can't beat this 32-year-old-I-only-have-one-testicle-left-superman. That's not Lance's fault. He's just... too talented and too damn good.
So? He's got a lot of talent and he's made a great accomplishment, but that doesn't change the fact that the Tour's a hell of a lot more boring, now does it?

Sander said:
And he was an asshole towards Simeoni.
Simeoni is shit. Simeoni is the shit. Who on earth cares about Simeoni?[/quote]
He threatened Simeoni.
It's funny, though. Every time an enormously talented sportsman/woman gets a medal or wins some sort of tournament, you always criticize them. Remember Justine Henin? She was ugly, you said. Who cares how she looks anyway? It's what she has to offer that counts. The same goes for Lance. He might be a redneck and an asshole, that doesn't change the fact that he's the best cyclist of his generation, my generation that is. And so he deserves all my sympathy. So does Henin.
Ehe. There are a lot of things wrong with this text, but I'll start summing them up:
1) "Every time" and "always" signal two occasions. There's one hell of a lot more sports out there than just those two.
2) I did not, in fact, criticize Henin, I merely replied to your "she's hot" statement. That has nothing to do with her sporting achievements.
3) I am not bagatellizing any sporting achievements, I'm just stating some nice little facts. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm impressed by what Armstrong has done, does that suddenly mean that I must worship him like a god and ignore everything else he does/causes? That'd just be stupid.

You go cheer up poor old Simeoni.
I do and did not cheer up Simeoni. I do think that Armstrong was an asshole towards him, but I never actually wanted or expected Simeoni to win, well, anything.
Who wasn't strong enough to get rid of Lance, by the way. If he had been strong enough, he wouldn't need to whinge now would he?
He got threatened, Alec, not just beaten by a better rider.
Same goes for Ullrich and Klödn.
I didn't even mention those two.
Sander: get a life.
No really, kid, you should try to get one.
Tell me something: are you still a virgin?
You are, aren't you?
And you're not too good with the girls, eh?
I can tell.
I know you're going to go all "Wtf has that got to do with the Tour de France?", but trust me: it is relevant.
In the end it's always about pussy.
Trust me.

Now kid: chill out.
I read your post and *wwooooosshhh* you always do that routine thing, don't you?
"There are three things wrong with your statement, alec."
"There is a semantic difference between this titty and that titty, alec."
"If you would have read so-and-so, you would see how stupid you are, alec."

You're so friggin' funny, Sander. :lol:
But you're right.
Yes, kid, you are.
He threatened Simeoni.
He said: "Simeoni, if you dare to leave the group, I'm going to hire a contract killer and get him to screw you up so bad, you'd wish you weren't born."
And Simeoni fainted.
It was Lance's attempt to make the Tour less boring, but apparently not everyone appreciates that.
Ah well.
You can't keep everyone satisfied all of the time.
We all know that.

As for the namedropping: nowhere in my post did I mention that you had talked about those other cyclists, so I don't even know why you should bring that up, boy.
It's just something I added.
Don't expect people to always add information for your sake, kid.
Go to summer school if you're that stupid.

And Henin: semantics, semantics, semantics.
Thing is: you're always mister "I-know-so-much-better-than-you-although-I-still-smell-of-my-momma's-womb", so cut it.
You jerk off while reading Chomsky or what?
You're a weird dude, Sander.
Get laid.

Oh and by the way: have you already begun writing that English philosophical book you were going to write?
Which page are you at? :P

Sorry dude, but Lance is teh man. And Henin is teh hot tennis babe. You and Simeoni are teh shit. 8)
Alec, stop flaming and trolling. As you well know, that is a bannable offense. I see that you are so immature that when you fail to find a retort you resort to such base actions as insulting and bullshitting. I feel sorry for your ineptitude and inability to come up with even a half-decent response. I would've expected better from a writer.
Sander said:
Alec, stop flaming and trolling. As you well know, that is a bannable offense. I see that you are so immature that when you fail to find a retort you resort to such base actions as insulting and bullshitting. I feel sorry for your ineptitude and inability to come up with even a half-decent response. I would've expected better from a writer.

I know that when you fail to find a retort you resort to dictionary.com :P

Oh and by the way: writers are always immature. Writers are dreamers. And most of them are arrogant as hell. Deal with it.

Go Lance, go! :D
Wooz said:
Comrade, the fact you destroyed bikes means you're an irresponsible puppet of the capitalist imperium. Don't you have the slightest respect for the People's biking industry?
By destroying bikes I help the people's biking industry, because I'm forced to purchase new bikes.

Wooz said:
We-ell, because they don't spew right-wing propaganda on public forae, for one.
I'm not an expert in Latin, but if I'm not mistaken, the gramatically correct use of the word "forum" in this case would be "foris".

You are setting a bad example for the noobs to follow.

Shame on you.

This is a troll and a flamebait. If you want to get personal, you can use the pm's. Do it like this invites like behavior.

Chill out.

Consider yourself warned.
Bradylama said:
Also, why are his posts structured like rap lyrics?
Because he was once a famous rapper! Don't tell me you've never heard of the legendary 2Pac "Alec" Shakur, who allegedly got killed, but in fact pulled out of the music business and moved to Belgium.
Word word 1 2 1 2. I be chillin in my flat country with the turks killin'/ watching a cactus while I be smoking/ bling bling/ at the Order I be strokin'/ Eating fries and clamps yo/ Eating fries and clamps!
Writin' books and fucking hooks, ya better respect my 1337 looks.

Bling bling tyf tyf chik chiky tyf tyffff!


Come on, dudes. No need to get flamy on each other's ass on a stupid sports event :roll:
Ratty said:
Because he was once a famous rapper! Don't tell me you've never heard of the legendary 2Pac "Alec" Shakur, who allegedly got killed, but in fact pulled out of the music business and moved to Belgium.

Damnit, Ratty, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone... :evil:

Wooz69 said:
Word word 1 2 1 2. I be chillin in my flat country with the turks killin'/ watching a cactus while I be smoking/ bling bling/ at the Order I be strokin'/ Eating fries and clamps yo/ Eating fries and clamps!
Writin' books and fucking hooks, ya better respect my 1337 looks.

Wicked rhymes, bro, whickety-whickety rhymes. :D
Stewie from Family Guy said:
i say eminem and 50 cent wouldnt know a proper lyric if it crawled up their arses and brought them to orgasm through prostate stimulation.

here's a gramatical curiousity from 50cents "wankstah"

*reads from a paper*
we in the club doin' the same ol' two-step
guerilla unit
cause they say we bugged out
cause we go nowhere without toast
*hides paper*

Now you listen to me mr Cent, if you want to make it in this bizznezz: LAY OFF THE DEWBY! (reefer)

same goes for Wooz & Alec

(the quote can be legally found on torrent under the name stewie_diss_on_50_cent_and_eminem)
Suicide boy: +B

alec: I'd be of advice to start the NMA-Tang Clan.