Fast shot, gifted, Str 6, Per 8, End 9, Cha 2, Agi 10, Int 10, Luck 2
Tag small guns, unarmed, barter. Perks: Here and now, Awareness, whatever the hell you want at lvl 9, Tag Big guns, Bonus rate of fire, 18+ doesnt matter what you take
The good about this char: Aboslutely devastating in combat, equip him with anything automatic get up close and burst, game over he can shoot shit from far away and is by all means a tank when it comes to hp. Socially this char works well, you cant sweet talk em but you can certainly convice them with common sense. Barter tag skill makes up for the lack of Charisma when shopping. 10 agi = 40% base steal skill = rob the entire town of klamath with a high sucess rate AND most importantly, as soon as you hit ncr its possible to steal a bozar from one of the bazaar guards. Save try Load if fail. Youll get it eventually. You can still get laid on several occasions!!!! Strength goes up to 10 with adv power armor
The bad: practically no critical hits, but it doesnt matter all that much since you do like 152 dmg per bozar burst at point blank range against a navarro enclave guard. No aimed shots...again point blank burst makes up for it. Also bad shit happenes to you more often Ie you the chance of getting poisoned is 100% pretty much, you cant gamble for shit, more critical failures. But then again you can pretty much take an 88 in the stomach and laugh it off. Lastly you miss out on most random encounters, but ive always gotten the bridgekeeper which is one of the most rewarding random encounters...those robes = combat armor
Oh and you can only have one follower, but really, the high int and agi help most of your skills so with a few big books of science and dean's electronics you can do anything and its not as though you need the help in combat..
Oh wait.......this trhead was about high int....

lol yes its quite useful to have it.