, yeah, that was truly funny
hehe, i started playing fallout2 again some while ago, and i just now got into Loyds locked room in new reno, i had a bozar, he was acting a litle tough, so i threatened to kill hi;
Kahgan: mebbe ill jist kill ya
Loyd: oh, uhm, well, no, lets settle this in a civilized way, i might have some money
Kahgan: give it to me
Loyd: ok
Kahgan: thats all, i think you got more
Loyd: nononono
Kahgan: yes
Loyd: ok (starts babling about the treasure in the grave)
Kahgan: keep on talking and keep it interesting
so he shows me the grave and a dialoug come up;
Loyyd: here it is
Kahgan: dig it up loyd
Loyd: wh-what
Kahgan: there are two kinds of people in this world, those with big guns, and those who dig
Loyd: ok ok
he finds the landmine
Kahgan: keep on digging
Loyd: theres a manhole here
Kahgan: go down
Loyd: well, allright
Kahgan: HEY LOYD, CATCH(drop the landmine)
oh, hahahahaha, hehe, that was damn fønni