fedaykin said:
Sure, I can understand the reasoning behind the Truman administration's decision, yet I cannot state without a doubt that it was correct.
Geez, who said you were required to? I haven't seen anyone claiming it wouldn't be an agonizing call to make. Bombing being the "better call" doesn't have to mean anything else than being the lesser of two huge-ass evils, and from what I know it probably was.
- Aggressor nation invades a bucketload of other nations and sets up labour and death camps pretty much all over the place.
- People (non-aggressor) are wilfully killed by the millions in China, the Philippines, Indochina... This goes on throughout the war.
- Aggressor army is beaten but will not admit defeat. Diplomatically they vacillate between hinting at unconditional surrender and promising total war, playing the US and Russia against each other for time and using up their credibility in the process.
- Officially, aggressor politics is that all will fight to the death in the case of an invasion. Projected losses for non-aggressor fighting forces are very high. Conventional bombing already causes massive losses among aggressor people.
- Non-aggressor civilian deaths in slave camps are still running high every day the war drags out.
- A-bombs drop, an assload of people die.
- Several assloads of other people don't die as war immediately ends. Conventional bombing stops. Camps are closed. Oppressed peoples are free. Invasion doesn't happen. Rebuilding can start.
- Former aggressor people under new government because of unconditional surrender shortly go on to simultaneously discover the twin civilization advances of Big Eyes and Small Mouth and begin to take over the world again. When science shows that this is not enough to make people poke their eyes out, cosplay is developed.
This is not the whole picture. Maybe the decision-makers had other reasons to drop bombs and so didn't consider themselves to be in the big vice I have painted here and which I for myself would have felt myself fucking obliged to consider. I submit it is enough to say that dropping the bombs might have seemed to be and might have been the least suboptimal solution. We don't know for sure. No one is
expected to know for sure. But if someone claims to know it
was the most suboptimal solution to that bizarre scenario, then I have just this to say:
Armchair, meet General. General, Armchair.
Man, we did all this two years ago at the 50th anniversary...
Edit: The majority of this post is not meant as a reply to you specifically, fedaykin. When I started on the list I was basically no longer in reply-to-specific-poster mode. I realized it can come off as a bit harsh if read that way.