Still Mildly Glowing

Wow, why did I fail to notice this topic before? It's gold! The memories...
Around '98 - I was 15 then - my mom & stepdad moved to some middle-of-nowhere place, where I had my own studio on their grounds, and pretty much nothing else.
Cutting us a driveway with a chainsaw got me going for a very limited time, so my parents bought a 2nd hand PC from the nutty, game-crazed, always robes wearing 40y old neighbour. He even cheated when playing C&C with me on our 2nd multiplayer bout, at which point I decided to ignore him completely.
Fiddling with the stuff he sold, I found out it featured a SCSI disk, and more importantly, had a 56k modem. I remember hooking it up, hearing the strange sounds - but nothing happened.
My hopes got up when I noticed a "FREE INTERNET" cd at a store. So I took it along (I believe planet internet), and shortly after I spent my first hours on the web. Ignorant to the existance of phone rates.
Amongst my first ventures were a chat with a young Dutch girl I convinced I was 18, talking up about sex. Only later I realized it could just as well have been the nutty neighbour, what did I know.
It didn't take me long to search for Fallout resources, so NMA was a logical stop. How and when I came to register is lost in the mists of time, but I do remember talking to Miro (we lived there for 4y, so has to be between 98-2001). Although his spelling seemed quite odd, mine couldn't have been much better at the time, and I was surprised by his intellect.
I never posted that much, but do remember a lot of the names I sporadically see here. Most vivid is my recollection of a conversation about JR Jansens sig, which still seems to exist (Ps: Shouldn't that be Nunc Aut nunquam?)?
I guess this all should be around the fallout.gamestats time. Don't really recall that well.
The oldest post I can find myself in:
What I do remember, is that NMA had an atmosphere that invited people to show their intellect, and repelled ignorance/stupidity. As I could hardly find such places in real life, I soon concidered it a spiritual home. I like to think I learnt my English grammar from Fallout & NMA, as Miro was about the only one who was not being corrected for spelling mistakes.
How NMA evolved? I think the atmosphere is still the same. Some matured, others left, a newer generation joined. I even saw a post about top10 games, with a guy listing Pokemon and YuGiOh.
At first I was surprised to see no flames or witty comments, to realize that most people probably realized that complete ignorance can be a fast deterrer.
Hmm, I seem to have made quite some noob forum mistakes back then... And, I seem to have seen the mystical non-existent Sulik's Sister . Strange.
Fun topics: How Belgian politics suddenly got Alec going on his foot fetish:
Could just be pronounced like that, in Flemish the pronounciation of Arthur is similar. I imagine a Russian wouldn't say "AaarFur"?
Now this contains a nice bit of intel: Miroslav's B-day!
Saturday, October 23rd
First... by Miroslav - 18:15 EST
Let me say thanx to people who sent me b-day wishes, greeting cards, so on, so on... Thanx guys!
One of their traits is: They often like to take the opposite side of a discussion, even when they don't agree with the viewpoints. Just to see what arguments come up. There is a reason to this: evaluate own viewpoints, and the other party's arguing skills.
So you could say, Fallout brought us together on opposing sides of the globe! One of my favorite stories to anyone claiming "PC's / gaming is asocial".
Around '98 - I was 15 then - my mom & stepdad moved to some middle-of-nowhere place, where I had my own studio on their grounds, and pretty much nothing else.
Cutting us a driveway with a chainsaw got me going for a very limited time, so my parents bought a 2nd hand PC from the nutty, game-crazed, always robes wearing 40y old neighbour. He even cheated when playing C&C with me on our 2nd multiplayer bout, at which point I decided to ignore him completely.
Fiddling with the stuff he sold, I found out it featured a SCSI disk, and more importantly, had a 56k modem. I remember hooking it up, hearing the strange sounds - but nothing happened.
My hopes got up when I noticed a "FREE INTERNET" cd at a store. So I took it along (I believe planet internet), and shortly after I spent my first hours on the web. Ignorant to the existance of phone rates.
Amongst my first ventures were a chat with a young Dutch girl I convinced I was 18, talking up about sex. Only later I realized it could just as well have been the nutty neighbour, what did I know.
It didn't take me long to search for Fallout resources, so NMA was a logical stop. How and when I came to register is lost in the mists of time, but I do remember talking to Miro (we lived there for 4y, so has to be between 98-2001). Although his spelling seemed quite odd, mine couldn't have been much better at the time, and I was surprised by his intellect.
I never posted that much, but do remember a lot of the names I sporadically see here. Most vivid is my recollection of a conversation about JR Jansens sig, which still seems to exist (Ps: Shouldn't that be Nunc Aut nunquam?)?
I guess this all should be around the fallout.gamestats time. Don't really recall that well.
The oldest post I can find myself in:
What I do remember, is that NMA had an atmosphere that invited people to show their intellect, and repelled ignorance/stupidity. As I could hardly find such places in real life, I soon concidered it a spiritual home. I like to think I learnt my English grammar from Fallout & NMA, as Miro was about the only one who was not being corrected for spelling mistakes.
How NMA evolved? I think the atmosphere is still the same. Some matured, others left, a newer generation joined. I even saw a post about top10 games, with a guy listing Pokemon and YuGiOh.
At first I was surprised to see no flames or witty comments, to realize that most people probably realized that complete ignorance can be a fast deterrer.
Hmm, I seem to have made quite some noob forum mistakes back then... And, I seem to have seen the mystical non-existent Sulik's Sister . Strange.
Fun topics: How Belgian politics suddenly got Alec going on his foot fetish:
Brother None said:KQX said:
Note his name is either "APTYP" or "Arthur", though. The idea behind APTYP is, I think, a cyrillic spelling of "Arthur", though it isn't exactly right, because APTYP would be pronounced "Artoer".
Could just be pronounced like that, in Flemish the pronounciation of Arthur is similar. I imagine a Russian wouldn't say "AaarFur"?
Briosafreak said:
Now this contains a nice bit of intel: Miroslav's B-day!
Saturday, October 23rd
First... by Miroslav - 18:15 EST
Let me say thanx to people who sent me b-day wishes, greeting cards, so on, so on... Thanx guys!
Good to hear he's doing fine! I often worried if nothing bad happened to him during the war... Thanks for clearing that up!Odin said:As for Miroslav, well after the miltary I hardly talked to him. I had his cell number and could contact him for dns changes and such. But he started to leave after FOT, and still haven't gotten back into the scene. I recently got in touch with him and can say he's doing fine. Oh and he says hi to you guys.
Anyone familiar with Jung / Myers-Briggs psychology? Just do a search on "INTP". It's a "character class", to which imho quite some here belong.Briosafreak said:Xotor was good fun, he loved to be in the role of devil´s advocate, even if he agreed with something he had to say the oposite of what was posted just because![]()
One of their traits is: They often like to take the opposite side of a discussion, even when they don't agree with the viewpoints. Just to see what arguments come up. There is a reason to this: evaluate own viewpoints, and the other party's arguing skills.
I was planning a trip to China. We didn't go with some travel agency, just booked a flight. When posting on NMA I noticed Starseeker's "location". So we PM'ed a bit, and he ended up sitting in Beijing's Starbucks when we landed. He helped us find a hotel, book a train, find a good massage parlor - even asked his girl friend to give us a memorable guided tour! Unforgettable.JR Jansen said:People from NMA came to that forum, made accounts and started posting in that thread. Soon the numbers were on our side and a lot of the posters that were defending RT got disguisted with it because now they were on the receiving end. Just goes to show the power of Fallout.
So you could say, Fallout brought us together on opposing sides of the globe! One of my favorite stories to anyone claiming "PC's / gaming is asocial".