Hoax! (The Fake Fallout 3 Screenshots)


Night Watchman
Staff member
I wanted to have this as reference to point to for people to gullible and lazy to use Google to check (yes, this means you!) so that I could easily denounce any Fallout 3 fakes that may roam the web.

Let's kick off with the most well known one, from slipgate.ru


As per this reference, this work is deemed a fake.

Yes, it was posted by the announcement about Bethsoft licensing Fallout 3 on some yugo website, but that doesn't make it more real, does it?


Fallout: Ultimate Edition by Jarkko Mononen also isn't it.

Two Van Buren spin-offs "foollow":





This one is too easy.

And our newest addition to this club by Bloodlust


Posted in this thread at the forum

Morrowind with guns, eh? AND in FPP? Meh.

Adding two pictures by HanoverF:




Good one from Vault 69er


And not the animated one


This one was made by Nim82:

Is this a contest or something? Make the freakiest fallout 3 fake screenshot and win a signed naked picture of Odin? :P
Bloodlust said:
Is this a contest or something? Make the freakiest fallout 3 fake screenshot and win a signed naked picture of Odin?

Well... No, I wanted to just track all the circling fakes in the web to disprove them.

But if you want to make something, I can't stop you.

Just link back here so we know.
Well, it's not like Bloodlust's image was anything more than a joke. But, I suppose it will be eventually be misused/misunderstood by someone.
Well,i was sure that it was obvious it is a fake.With a screenshot from Oblivion,the interface of Fallout2 and the shotgun of Painkiller,to beleive it's real you have to either be retarded or have no idea about what's going on with these things called video games :P .
98% of the Internet is retarded. If you're one of the 2% that's not on the Internet, copy and paste it into your signature.

Kotario: That's what I thought too, I'd like to have a quick reference here to rub in the faces of those more gullible. If you fing some misrepresentation of Fallout 3 involving some fake screens, let us know.
Updated, I'd like you guys to check it. I don't think here are any more fakes rampaging.
The marcus screenshot is more idiotic even from the one with the twin-minigun deathclaws.

"Power armor +2"


Mithril Turbol Plasma Rifle of the Heavens +3

+15 to all skills
+ 15% to hit

The twin minigun deathclaws are ripped from "Alien shooter": http://www.bigfishgames.com/downloads/alien/#
That game is quite similar to fallout, weapon-wise. It has every thing : plasma rifle, minigun, rocket launcher... and even the deathclaw-lookalike aliens that wield miniguns and have metal armor. And, these tough fuckers always come in big numbers.
Wow the very first screenshot is quite good. Artist/forger did a good mockup too.

Of course with ol' Bethy doing FO3 I bet that no FO3 screen will ever EVER look like that. (too bad I thought the fake look VERY 'correct')

a 3/4 isometric view would probably be the one, assuming its not 3rd person 3D of some kind.
Someone should make a 'do your own FO3 "screenshot"' thread.

Instead of describing what It should look like with text, someobody aught to make 'fake' example screenshots of what it should look like.

There could even be a contest for the best fake.
IIRC the "Tactics spin-offs" have been validated by a VB dev.

They were layout mock-ups for the actual menus, based on bits and pieces of the interfaces of FOT and the FO RPGs.

They aren't screenshots, I think. Rather what could be labelled "concept art" (just not as pretty).
I still prefer the term "interface chop art" (aka interface concept art, but it's not done by an artist, just swapped around to give a general feel of things), which EVERY development house goes through before deciding on a concrete layout for their interface design. The more screens, the more interface chop art they go through, and nearly everyone is able to offer their input and preferences in this way as it takes little graphical skill.

It's a good thing. :D
I usually do that kind of thing on whiteboard and paper.

But for my project I lack anything to base it on anyway.
Bloodlust said:

Plenty stuff here :D

Man, some of that stuff is ridiculous, yet somewhat laughable...